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What to do with this vaped bud

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Royman10334, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. So i finally i purchased a vaporizer. i got the extreme q and would recommend it to anyone. but now that i have had it for a week its time to use all the vaped bud i have save up. I have narrowed it down to cooking with it. probably simmer the bud in a pan of oil and make brownies. or make some oil with either butane or isopropyl alcohol. the only thing is i dont know how much of butane or alcohol to use. if anyone has experience with this or can help me out that would be real sweet. have a nice day.
  2. why even bother with the isopropyl... just bake it up in some brownies, mix it in with some fresh bud, and enjoy.

    PS: a more specific amount would help us out more... how much vaped weed do you have...?
  3. ya i might just make some butter because i have a bunch of stems too. i would say i have at least 5 g of that shit, but i have only had my whip since monday and yesterday it was out of commish for half the day cause of my clumsy ass, but im probably just gonna wait a week or so so i at least have 14-28 g.
  4. With vapor poo I do one of two things.

    I either turn it into a glycerin based tincture


    I make cannabutter

    Since I'm almost out of my last batch of tincture, I'll probably make another one soon. Surprisingly they're both very similar procedures using an old crock pot that I bought specifically for cannabis cooking. FOr the tincture I just take about 16 ounces of food grade glycerin (you can get it at any Whole Foods or other nutritional store, should be about 8 bucks or so...), mix it in with the material and put it on low overnight, stirring frequently. In the morning I strain out the excess material and toss, sometimes I put some flavoring in it, last batch was Kaluha flavor syrup, the next one will probably be something else.

    Not only is the tincture great when you can't smoke, but it gets stronger as time goes on. I've made the tincture without cooking by just putting into a mason jar, but I find that takes too long (3 months) and the results from the crock pot are just as good.
  5. Another really easy, very good thing to do is pick up some empty gelatin capsules and just fill them with your vaporized buds and ingest them. Major body high.

    roll it up who knows maybe your friends would buy it? hahaha just kidding
  6. I made 6 firecrackers with about 9 grams of the stuff and got a really nice body high for about 10 hours, but would advise against it as by the 4th one i had to force them down with a half gallon of milk. I would say the best thing i have seen is to make cannibutter and use it in baking.
  7. mmmmm, i love kaluha. so this tincture something you drink? and secretbub, i dont think that would work holmes. and i have made firecrackers before, the first time i went blind for a good 2 minutes. you know that lightheaded feeling and your vision fades black, ya and i was at one of the biggest athletic events of the year for my town. haha funny now, but i was real scared. i have never made cannabutter so i wanna do that but i wanna learn more about this tincture
  8. On what grounds do you say you don't think it will work, next time you say something back it up with a reason.

    Here I'll explain my reasoning.
    1. When you make edibles you'll be able to taste the already vaporized marijuana, and it doesn't taste too great depending on what kind of vaporizer you have. My volcano is the only one that I am pleased with the leftovers. Definitely not as good as edibles that you would make with fresh herbs.
    2. I like to have my tinctures strong so that they works really good, the vaporized marijuana doesn't have enough cannabinoids (cbd&thc) left in it for my liking.

    Here is the process explained for these:

    1. THC-COOH is converted into THC by decarboxylation when heated to at least 222*F
    -Vaporizing the weed does this
    2. The vaporized marijuana is then put into the empty gelatin capsules
    3. After being injested the thc is turned into 11-OH-THC and then later into 11-COOH-THC
    -Depending on how many you eat, massive body high just like dank edibles. :smoking:
  9. isnt vaped weed useless? or pointless rather
  10. No it still contains anywhere from 10% to 30% of the thc. You can bake with it you just need alot more than usual. Thats why vaping is amazing, there is no waste what so ever :) you get to use your ash to bake or if extremely desperate you can smoke it as well, just taste like an elephants ass.
  11. Stick it up your ass. :devious: :wave:

    Nah just kiddin. Bake that shit, that's what I do. It works.
  12. u can mix it in ever clear vodka and the you put in a i droper and it gets you hella high i gess theres a vid on youtube just type in green dragon it the first one watch it and hell tells you how to do it with bud and all ready vaped bud
  13. eye dropper? you just drink that shit and get fadeddd :hello:
  14. wouldn't the remaining THC on the bud need to be reheated to get high
  15. #15 KiNg KoNG, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    i just made a batch of brownies last week with vaped bud, i had 45 grams of vaped bud, i put it threw the electric grinder, made it powder, and let it simmer in a butter/water mix in the crock pot for about 10 hours, then made brownies, im actually eating a brownie right now since i wrote in the thread lol

    i normally do 30 grams of vaped bud per stick of butter, 2 sticks of butter with vaped bud is just to much.. 1 and a half sticks at most for vaped bud no matter how much u have

  16. No the THC on the bud would not need to be reheated. Once it's reached 222* the process has already begun and the product cooling down will not change the CHEMICAL reaction back to the original form.

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