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What To Do With Stems

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by MJStoner420, May 2, 2013.

  1. Okay so I'm sure this thread has come up on GC before but I haven't seen anything yet. I have a collection of stems that continues to grow until I feel is enough make something from.. But what? What can I make using my stems? I've heard of tea but to be quite honest I'm not a fan of tea at all so I was just wondering if there are any other methods. Lemme know
  2. theres an awesome thread about how you can shake the kief off from the stems. You can also make tea and other certain concentrates from it

  3. Yep, I used to make QWISO hash with my stems.

    It's pretty straight forward too, you want probably about a mason jar worth of stems. Fill up the jar, pour in 90+% isopropyl high enough to cover the stems, let it sit for 30 seconds, shake it for 30 seconds, and then pour just the iso out onto a dish (not plastic though) and let the isopropyl evaporate completely until you're left with a plate of hash.
    Scrape it up with a razor blade and enjoy. :smoking:

    Just make sure to keep it in a reasonably ventilated area while it's drying, and don't let it sit/shake for longer than necessary because then you'll be left with gooey hash that's harder to manage and isn't as pure.
    I think it's recommended to freeze the stems for a while first too, helps the trichomes come off easier I guess.
  4. I always save my stems so when I have a bunch I make cannabutter :)
  5. I throw them out =)
  6. use it as mulch for your next bud grow
  7. Chew them. Mmmmm
  8. I will smoke them untill the green is gone then toss then.

    They don't produce Thc and will give you a headache
    But some residue gets on them so smoke Tue surface a bbit
  9. I chew them I don't smoke enough for it to be worth saving up

  10. Good writeup but you forgot to tell him to run the iso/plant material through a strainer to get all the material(in this case stems) out of the ISO.
  11. Hmm i usually throw my stems out, guess ill start saving them ^.^
  12. How long does evaporation take?

  13. Depends on heat, usually 24-48hrs.

    Make sure to be in a well ventilated area. The fumes given off are highly flammable. Or inflammable.

    They set on fire easy.

    I hate that word, inflammable is the right word.
  14. I chew on the bigger ones for a couple minutes.

  15. Use them a screens for my bowl...
  16. I throw them in my vaporizer. You have to vape a lot to get stoned but they have an interesting taste. No headache from vaping them either.
  17. I only toss the large stems, but everything else green gets tossed in the grinder.
  18. Are you trolling or what? Why would one want to chew stalks?

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