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What to do with a .5 of weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jack Mehof, Sep 13, 2009.

  1. got .5 of some weed so i need to get maximum effect should i vape it using the lightbulb vape or make some firecrackers? Which would make the high more enjoyable?
  2. I say just smoke it.
  3. #3 Jack Mehof, Sep 13, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2009
    forgot to say i live with the rents cant smoke it
    and the guy i bought it from said its orange kush
  4. OK I have an idea then just pack a bowl, sinces its kush

    Thread HIGH JACK
    What should Malenki do with .05 of dirty ass regs

  5. Go to a random,secluded spot and light up a blunt or a pipe.

  6. smoke it somewhere outside
  7. A lightbulb vape won't get you a better effect than a bong hit.
  8. do you really have to ask?
  9. knife hits
  10. Go somewhere outside and secluded and do it.

    If that's not possible.. Eat it?

  11. bad idea. 0,5 is not enough to make potent edibles.
  12. Tip put it in a mason jar or a medicine bottle each day open it up and close it then after a week is up smoke it. :wave:
  13. Waterfall pipe/bong uses little weed for maximum usage.

    I smoked half a joint that got me the same high as a small bowl from a waterfall pipe/bong got me.

    People say the smoke is harsher, but I didn't notice it.

    Get a small plastic bottle.
    An inch from the bottom of the bottle, poke a hole. What I did was put a screwdriver to fire and they inserted it into the bottle.
    On the cap of the bottle, make a small hole and insert your bowl there. The bowl could be from nearly anything. Look around to see what you can use.

    Cover the hole of the bottle and fill the bottle with water. Tighten the cap of bottle with the bowl and weed in place. Light the weed and let go of the hole that is containing the water.

    The pressure from the water should cause smoke from the lighted weed to fill the bottle. After the bottle is waterless, cover the hole and unscrew the cap and inhale.
  14. Get a paper and go for 'a walk'.
  15. get a seed from it. and turn it into a pound.

  16. man it's just a .5 when you grab a quart
    post this question again, i say just roll a joint
    or hit some bong. :smoke:

  17. He could always make a cracker, but if you can't use the oven for weed related purposes it could take a while.
  18. you must have some insane growing skills to get a pound from one seed :rolleyes:
  19. Smoke it.


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