What to do with 420th post?

Discussion in 'General' started by static shock, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. I am comming in close to 420 posts on grasscity. Love this website for the most part, anyone have ideas on an epic 420th post?
    Lol :D
  2. Hmm the only thing I can really think of is it would be cool if your 420th post was of a new killer bong you purchased or a frosty pickup :)
  3. GAY

    jk, but seriously that sounded pretty gay for some reason, sorry.
  4. Something that will get you banned, so your post count will be 420 for all of eternity.

  5. Wish that was possible but I get random drug test and have to limit my smoking.
  6. lol and make it a post that breaks every single rule on gc

  7. Hahahaha :D
    couldn't do that.

  8. That would be hard with this rule but no banning for me.


  9. How about you post something constructive then? Got any better ideas, champ?
  10. i did. i told him to

    "break every rule on gc"
  11. My 420th post was a thread about VHS tapes.

    It was doomed from the beginning :p
  12. Better idea, what if this was my party thread? To celebrate my 420th post and anyone elses. Hmmm..
  13. post something that is worth my time to read, unlike this thread
  14. No need to be a douce bag bro.
    Don't respond if you don't like the thread.
  15. You asked i gave you an answer
  16. remember that one thread where the kid said he was going to take the most epic picture ever. well yeah do something like that for post 420
  17. record a session of you and all your buddies smoking bongs and put it on youtube, then post a link to it here so we can watch.

  18. lmao

    why does everyone make such a big deal about "420". I passed my 420th post without even noticing.

    It's like OMGZ 420 DOOD ITS 4:20 RIGHT NOW I PUT 420 FOR EVERY NUMBER TEEHEE...etc, etc. Seems like something that the younger kids that blaze or first started blazing are more interested in...thats just my opinion though, I could give a shit about 420 anything. Except for April 20th of course.

    but I mean if it's a big deal to you then do something cool? idk.
  19. Post a video of you smoking weed and doing a cart wheel right afterwards.

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