I am comming in close to 420 posts on grasscity. Love this website for the most part, anyone have ideas on an epic 420th post? Lol
Hmm the only thing I can really think of is it would be cool if your 420th post was of a new killer bong you purchased or a frosty pickup
remember that one thread where the kid said he was going to take the most epic picture ever. well yeah do something like that for post 420
record a session of you and all your buddies smoking bongs and put it on youtube, then post a link to it here so we can watch.
lmao why does everyone make such a big deal about "420". I passed my 420th post without even noticing. It's like OMGZ 420 DOOD ITS 4:20 RIGHT NOW I PUT 420 FOR EVERY NUMBER TEEHEE...etc, etc. Seems like something that the younger kids that blaze or first started blazing are more interested in...thats just my opinion though, I could give a shit about 420 anything. Except for April 20th of course. but I mean if it's a big deal to you then do something cool? idk.