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What To Do With 4 OZ?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by PalmPrePerson, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. Hey everyone.

    I got a Extreme Q back over a year ago. Since then all I have done is vaporize. Well I just now realized that I have been changing out the bowl more than I need to. I change it out after 1 bag at around 175*C.

    Now I have 4 OZ of Already Been Vaped bud, but I only vaped the stuff one time. I have uploaded some pics and the last ones are at 65X.

    What should I do? Save some money and just use some ABV for now on? I mean it doesn't taste as good, but still gets the job done, granted I have to take a little more. Or anyone have any recipes that this would be good with? Can I smoke it? I mean, idk what to do with all of it. lol.

    Attached Files:

  2. hash my friend
  3. Do a BHO or ISO run out of it....with some good filtering it could be bomb.
  4. I'd make BHO or edibles, although I've never used abv, not really a vape person myself, I feel like 4 oz will make some nice BHO
  5. Make edibles maybe?
  6. My next door neighbor dropped me off a great big bag of cookies, fudge, brownies, all kinds of Christmas goodies made with the ABV I've been giving her. She makes cannabutter out of it and uses that to make the goodies.
  7. I'd make about a half kilo of butter, and use the rest on a shit-tonne of firecrackers. Both freezable.
  8. smoke it all in one hit and get super high
  9. I would make tons of edibles.
  10. edibles. DAMN thats a lot of vaped bud lol
  11. [quote name='"graybeard"']My next door neighbor dropped me off a great big bag of cookies, fudge, brownies, all kinds of Christmas goodies made with the ABV I've been giving her. She makes cannabutter out of it and uses that to make the goodies.[/quote]

    Lol you have cool neighbors. I want your neighbors. At least nine plow my driveway for me :)
  12. It'll be really good edibles too, you haven't vaped it all that far - nice and green.
    A vaper much like m'self.
  13. You could get a lot out of that, lol
    Edibles or hash
  14. That shit's still pretty much green, i'm sure you could get a decent amount of some BHO off of that.
  15. you could always just run it all back through the vape around 215-230.
  16. ISO wash that stuff. Then you can Vape the hash.
  17. Ok, I looked up the BHO and ISO. I wont do the BHO, but I can do the ISO.
  18. [quote name='"PalmPrePerson"']Ok, I looked up the BHO and ISO. I wont do the BHO, but I can do the ISO.[/quote]

    Yeah find the isohead thread, best techniques in there
  19. I want that nice big bag to make goodies with. I wouldn't even feel guilty!

  20. I used 3 grams of it tonight and made the canna-oil recipe I found on here. I am planning on using it tomorrow. Wish me luck!

    I also have plans for a small batch of butter, then going to do the ISO as everyone has recommended.

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