I am 24M and my brothers friend (24M) always laughs so loud and makes fun of how skinny I’ve gotten. I’m in the army and in a new work environment which overworks me in the hot sun, running 5+ miles everyday, etc and I lose weight like crazy. By the end of the day I’m so tired I can’t even eat. Every time I see my brothers friend he always makes fun of me and laughs so loud pointing out how skinny I am. It’s so irritating. How is it okay for him to say that but if I comment on how fat he is (he’s on the heavier side) it’s considered rude?! I’m not trying to hangout with my brother and his friend until I get fatter but it’s gonna be hard because the army just loves to keep people skinny. Why does he do this and what do I do?! It’s pissing me off! TL;DR - someone teases how Skinny I am every time and it’s irritating. What do I do ?!
Honestly if someones opinion offends you that much you probably are personally uncomfortable with it yourself and know you need weight. My advice; 1. Do weights 2. Eat regardless of how tired you are 3. Eat carbs If this seems to hard your not fit to be military.
I agree 100% with all the previous comments but especially the comment from @AstroDank ..if it offends you maybe your self esteem is low and you need to work on that..we live in a world where people say what they want because they have freedom of speech(somewhat) Words were made up by humans so why weigh your opinions so heavily on them? That's the real question Sent from my SM-G965U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Hah thanks honey! I'm still going to make an ED story and turn my channel into a recovery channel. Just I might wait until my 24th birthday, in a month about. I'm so excited & nervous too. But will give me more credibility maybe! I hope it makes impact. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
OP: you just say "You don't like my body? That's fine. I do!! &I'm not trying to please you." Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My uncle was overweight and my dad was skinny. My dad said he actually got more grief for being skinny than my uncle did. But then again my brother dad was a smart ass who had a chip on his shoulder. I’d say buck up. You’re in the service and you worry about being skinny? That’s crazy. I know you have access to food. Sometimes you have to eat even if you don’t want to, pfc. jeffersong. Btw it’s funny you say you’re skinny yet mr. potato head is your avatar. Peel potatoes much pfc.?
Sue em, the gays do it all the time. Or transition, and sue. Then transition back and retire. Sent from my Z965 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Naw, cuz you're not an immature asshat. I think people just say mean things just do do it sometimes. They are weak and sad inside and have no joy but putting other's down. Some chick said something to fuck with me recently about how I look and someone asked her why she said it and basically she said just because she knew I'd overthink/it'd bother me. Whereas I wouldn't even have a thought to do that to anyone.
They only project hatred because its the "superiority complex" unlike inferiority they like to project what they think gives them an advantage in life little do they know its a sickness like drug addiction it makes them feel better if you get what im sayin. My mates give me incentive to manage my weight and all that without making me feel bad, im lucky.
Someone suggested that I talk shit back next time he says it to me. “Woah what happened to you, lost a lot weight! Haha” “Damn you gained a bunch of weight ♂️“ But I’m not the type of person. Ugh please help