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What to do when Dealer is dry?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by lilish4, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. What do you guys do when either your dealer is dry, or not answering his phone, etc. I was going to buy 4 gs of some mids today and he never answered. Pretty disappointed. Anyway, what do you guys do in this situation if you have no one else to buy mids from? Everyone else that I can get ganja from only sells "loud".

  2. you buy the better weed and you enjoy it. carpe diem!
  3. smoke the dank.
  4. Isn't that good if they're selling "loud"? Aka good weed
  5. Not smoke?
  6. I cant believe u are posting this question as a thread
  7. Yea this is a non-problem.
  8. so your telling me that if your dealer was dry. you would go "okay." and just sit at home doing nothing?
  9. Wait till the mids are re-supplied, and T-break...

    Nah, get that chronic!

  10. do you have a life other than smoking pot? you could do something else...
  11. I used " because it really isnt loud.. its shake.. and I fuckin hate shake. Im not spending $20 on a gram of that when i can get 4 grams of some decent mids for the same price. Idk why people shit on mids so much. Weed is weed...
  12. next time don't even post a response to threads if your gonna be a tool about it thanks

  13. Weed is weed, but quality > quantity imo
  14. [quote name='"lilish4"']

    I used " because it really isnt loud.. its shake.. and I fuckin hate shake. Im not spending $20 on a gram of that when i can get 4 grams of some decent mids for the same price. Idk why people shit on mids so much. Weed is weed...[/quote]

    Shake actual burns better than nugs in bowls and what's wrong with shake? And I would rather have good quality weed then lesser quality weed so that's probably why people shit on mids so much
  15. [quote name='"purplerhino"']

    Weed is weed, but quality > quantity imo[/quote]

    ^ especially if you got a vape.
  16. I mean yes I like dank just like everyone else. But I hate spending $20 and have my weed gone in a couple of hours whereas i can get 4 grams and have it last me a week.
  17. #17 Bunny Wailer, Aug 2, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2012
    I'm just saying that if you can't find anything to do when you're out of weed you need to find something else to occupy your time.

    name calling isn't allowed here
  18. its lesser quality weed but its not shitty weed. thats the thing i dont understand. Its not like mids are schwag.. its decent.. sometimes even better than decent.. and its half the price!
  19. dude.. did i say ANYWHERE that I cant find shit to do? I have a life. Im sure you do too. Im saying IN THE SITUATION where you want weed, and cant get any atm, should you just wait and see or ask others, etc.. faggot.

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