What Tier 1 University are you attending/planning to attend?

Discussion in 'General' started by SoCalPatient, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Obviously if you're not either a prospective or current student at a tier 1 school this thread isn't for you, but you're presence is more than welcome ;)

    So I am a UCLA prospective student. I am doing my first 2 years at a CCC. I have a 3.89 gpa and am about to(fingers crossed) get appointed in the social science department of student government.

    Also if you want to say you're major that's cool too. I'm majoring in history and planning on attending the UCLA School of Law.

  2. #2 full melt, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
    DeVry institute of technology. I'm hoping to get my BA in microwave cookery.
  3. smartypants
  4. I'm going to be going to UT Austin
  5. WSU: Chemical Engineering. I plan on getting a masters in mad science.

    Edit: start next fall
  6. Very good school. Where are you currently right now at a community college, other uni or hs?

  7. branch campus :hide:

  8. A branch campus for UT Austin?? I love texas and if my heart wasn't in cali I would def go out there.
  9. There's UT El Paso, UT Dallas, UT Arlington, UT Pan America, etc. There's like 8 or so branch campuses. I hate the one I'm currently at and can't wait to go to Austin next semester. I've only been to the campus once, but I really enjoyed my stay.
  10. ahh I see. Here in cali we typically refer to those as different schools....although I suppose they are branch campuses for the UC system....
  11. Appalachian State University
  12. The California system is set up differently from the UT system. The UT system basically just kept adopting smaller state schools and renaming them, where as several of the UC school are quality schools (Such as Berkeley and LA). Almost all of the UT branch schools suck (Dallas is probably the best one)
  13. [​IMG]
    astrophysics first year

  14. App state will not disappoint! :hello::hello::hello:

    I was looking at this picture and I was like, "holy shit, this looks like our bell tower." Then I saw where it was our bell tower. haha
  15. #15 SoCalPatient, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011

    Really? My family is tied to many professors at UCLA especially in the science departments. What are your professors?
  16. UCSC, fuck yes, trailers I can't wait.........
  17. ive taken only GE's so far so nothin in the sciences, pretty lame
  18. University of Toledo

    senior year in mechanical engineering technology
  19. That's a tier 2 uni:rolleyes:
  20. I go to Iona College.

    We suck.

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