hello i have a problem and cant figure out what it is its week 4 and i just put them in 12/12 although the growth on my ladies is good they are all praising and happy i have irregular leaves and holes that looks like something is eating them i have had a couple knats but i have neemed repeatedly and i have been on top of them ive checked through the plants and found nothing.i am growing in soil all organic using earth juice nutrients and watering every two or three days and really the ladies look good so what the hell is going on does this look like a pest or could i be overwatering/underwatering?
It's difficult to see anything in the pics that you posted. Can you take new pics without the hps on? Here's a link with helpful info about pest problems...you'll have to scroll down a bit to get to the pest info. The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles! - International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums good luck Doin'