A bit over a background. The last kick has been a good year heavily smoking about daily, from a percolator bubbler. At least 1-3 bowls a day. Often more. As far as my history w it: tried smuke at 19 and hated it cuz of buddies messing with it. Tried it on and off at parties here and there still didn't like until about my 26-27th year when experienced that magical click and have been on/off w it since (32 now). Like I said went about year daily, maybe day or two off. So ran out and everything seemed fine at first. Ended on a good vibe and on my own choice. I tried to socialize to keep my mind off it. Some buddys came over and we had some beers, went on walk, had dinner and I felt great. I hate tobacco now but thought the act of smoking would help ease things. Bad idea. I was feeling fine then litterly took a puff of cigarette and before the smoke could even hit the bottom of my throat, an unbelievable wave of nausea and projectile vomiting took over. I could not belive how rapit the onset was. In half-puff, half-nano sec it overwhelmed everything The first and strongest wave of puking lasted about 20 hours and I was shocked at the sheer POWER, INFINITY and FORCE: at one point I vomited from 5 feet into away into a sink...I kept eating small amounts knowing the temporary relief of spewing would feel better than the NON-STOP spasms from dry heaving. I never vomited and feel that bad for that long and though would have to go to ER. For about 3-4 days afterwords, keeping food down was difficult and I survived off small sips of water and eating one cracker at a time, every hour. I'm still experience daily nausea, dizzyness and an unbelievable sense of boredom. It's been so rough I was thinking 3-4 weeks had passed and when I look at the calender I realize it was only a week and day. A note: nothing will help. You can get drunk and blackout to pass the time maybe. Pain-reliving pills will east but will nowhere near alleviate: No matter what you will be in pain and unberable boredom\t No matter what you will not feel like yourself\t You will enjoy NOTHING for 2-3+ days. A small sense of life creeps in after that: it ain't much.\t You will feel like your flesh is suddenly someone elses and it all feels weird and disgusting\t The sex drive goes into overdrive for some reason. Painfully so. Mixed w the nausea and constant dizzyness it will be a very ugly and uncomfortable feeling\t I've heard anywhere from 1-2 weeks to a month till the nausea subsides\t Heard anywhere from 2 weeks to months till you feel like yourself I do feel a lot better a week a day in but the nausea is still there for most the day. I still love smoking and in few weeks will go back. Can't wait to be able to enjoy it again like I used to. But I have learned you can't smoke heavily without serious and debilitating illness resulting afterwords. The question is how much can one smoke w out experiencing this? I'll start off saying I think even one bowl a day will make you ill. As far as joints you waste so much, I'd think maybe you can do one puff. or even whole j daily and experience maybe only mild symptoms. One bowl every 3 days? As much as you want but only once a week ? What's the max amount w no sickness? And I ask this of the ones who it effects like this, not the lucky 50% who experince no probs
...wtf? Major withdrawals over not smoking marijuana? Jeeze, hopefully you never develop an addiction to a real drug, you'd probably die trying to quit. Shoot, I just quit smoking cigarettes after an 11 year habit, that was no fun. I put down and pick up pot all the time, the only sort of "withdrawals" I get are the "i-cant-sleepies" and the dreaded "i'm -not-hungries"
50% of people aren't like you bro. 30 % of light smokers experience symptoms but for heavy smokers (daily) that number jumps to 50% which report experiencing severe symptoms. I know it's not like something serious like heroin at the same time ppl under-rate how much it hurts. If I told you how sick and shakey Ive gotten from alchol; you'd prolly also say "i drink beer all the time and never get the shakes whats wrong w you? " haha
I call B.S. I dont care if you have smoked ten bowls a day for twenty years....there is no "nasty withdrawals" from Cannabis...full stop. You either had the flu, stomach virus or a reaction to tobacco. You MIGHT get grumpy, have a little trouble sleeping or have a lack of focus or unease...but what you just described sounded more like opiate withdrawal while under an influenza attack....sorry to hear about your "troubles" but the science is out there...reality is out there...proven by millions of tokers over 3000 years of use...Marijuana does not EVER cause withdrawal symptoms that you described...sounds like something unrelated to cannabis use or non use to me.
What science, the 3000 years you speak of is stoner folklore lol. They're just now doing studies and theyre already indicating withdrawals\t I am entertaining notion my stuff was laced and that made me sick. Idk tho, seems itb hard to put opiates in herb.
do you have a source for those percentages? also.. alcohol is proven to be a physically addictive drug, weed is not.. so your comparison doesn't really hold water.
There are over 30 million people in the United States alone...not counting the rest of the Planet, that have for many generations used Marijuana and I'd wager nearly 99% of those users would say without hesitiation that the term "withdrawal" or "addiction" dont apply....at least not in the same sense as with tobacco or opiates...todays Cannabis addiction "studies" are as useful as a third nipple on your Dad's chest..we already KNOW the stuff isnt addictive because we use it...have used it, our Parents used it and their parents before them and back in time for over 3000 years AT LEAST.....there may be some issues with marijuana use, but addiction and the withdrawal associated with it isn't going to be one of them. Now, is it poissible that some weird physiology or psychology may exist in some random individuals that cause them to react the way you did? Sure...about the same statistical number that might grow a beard on their ass after smoking some dank kush.....just saying...your health issues probably weren't related to marijuana at all, but could be some adulterant, tobacco, influenza or some other issue that you just cant account for...marijuana in and of itself is non toxic.
Mate it's weed not super H please put your head on straight no offense intended but damn lol. But nothing's ever perfect haven't you realized this yet? Earth turns on a tilted axis just doing the best it can.
Stopping smoking can cause mental withdraws, such as trouble sleeping, mood swings, anxiety/uneasy feeling, and a few more TEMPORARY things.. Marijuana is mentally addictive (to some people), not physically Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Dude.....wait...what??? I have smoked up to 3-4 grams daily for the past 13 maybe 14 years now and taken T-breaks (stop for a month to a few weeks at a time) but have only taken maybe 5 of those breaks in the many years I have smoked. I can honestly say I have never had any withdrawls (mental or physical). Like are you sure it wasn't something else you were coming off of man?? Cause what you are describing doesn't make sense to me if it was just weed dude.
I know we all like to think that weed is purely harmless and that's true for the most part but you guys should look into more research and stop blatantly disagreeing with any possibility of marijuana doing harm. Don't get me wrong the chances of physical or mental addiction are extremely low but possible although differing from the majority of research. Cannabis hypermesis is an actual condition is we shouldn't forget that even with the herbs we have to be moderate. Cannabis affects us all differently and some people aren't meant for smoking weed at least all the time like us regulars. Just my .2 Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Holy shit dude. Ive been increas not super but def a bit compulsive about baths and hot tea. Not a big history of vomiting. Although it's been mostly nonstop use. Well see how this stomach thing progresses. '
Can you post links to this study you are talking about cause they give medical marijuana to people to CURE nausea. So it's kind of hard for me to wrap my mind around what you are saying.
Wow man. Maybe you should go see a doctor. You can tell them about your marijuana usage and let them know what happened when you tried to quit, you won't get in trouble. Seriously though, I have never seen, experienced, or heard of anyone having symptoms like that and there could be something wrong with you that may be unrelated to your usage. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum