Am I Addicted to Marijuana? | ChristWire i was reading this and i knew i had to post this bullshit somewhere... i hope this is the right place
This is absolutely fucking ridiculous. At the bottom of the page there's a link to an article called "Do gay pets go to heaven?" I need some more fire before I can even look at this shit.
This is absolutely ridiculous. At the bottom of the page there's a link to an article called "Do gay pets go to heaven?" I need some more fire before I can even look at this nonsense.
Pot Smoking Radicals Are Using the Internet to Turn America Into a Socialist Sex Utopia | ChristWire rofl
pot isnt addicting and defenitly dosent make people violent this is total nonsense and was obviously thought up by a person that has never smoked and has no idea what its even like to smoke pot. i rest my case that whole thing is complete rubbish
Oh my fucking god, how obvious does satire need to be before you retards stop posting it in the news section?
I consider myself religious but the people putting those sites together are fanatical freaks. Judging people because they use a plant that was put on earth from the very beginning. Me personally, I cannot stand someone who tries to shove their religion or beliefs on someone else. I don't give those sites more than a minute or two of my time.
ROFL I haven't seen this much Propaganda BS since Reefer Madness. The little quiz thing at the end made me lol. IDK what's more pathetic.. all the fake shit he wrote or that 117 'Like' the article
I must be getting too old. When you go to most marijuana sites,they always have a picture site. I thought that all potheads looked at those naked female plants and saw nirvana,but apparently Christians get a boner looking at them.
i posted something on this forum from that website earlier this year. its a satirical website haha. i didnt realize it until i had posted it.
This site might be even worse... Is It OK For A Christian To Smoke Marijuana? « Jesus Christ Is Lord "In addition to the fact it is illegal and a perverted use of God’s creation, smoking marijuana is extremely harmful to your health. It is actually worse than smoking cigarettes and can kill you." LMAO wow..