ONCE AGAIN I am posting because I am concerned about if I am slowly killing myself or not. I obviously do not want to talk to a doctor about it, but I will if it becomes necessary. SO : the problem Whenever I smoke, unless it is a tiny hit, I will always feel like puking. I get high almost instantly and off of almost nothing. One hit can make me so high I forget where I am. I begin to shake, and I have pretty bad motor skills. I feel uneasy, and then all my extremities go cold. My hands turn white and my feet turn frozen. I start cold sweating, and a feeling of chest pressure that makes breathing difficult. My eyes feel like they are being electrocute and stabbed at. I feel lightheaded and try to remain calm. Thinking calm thoughts, however does NOT work at all. If i take more than one baby hit, I will always try to sleep out of extreme exhaustion. I get the normal feelings of being high, but it seems like its masked under the agony of everything else. I feel hungry and I get massive cottonmouth etc. This is not a bad trip because these symptoms happen EVERY time I smoke. And I have smoked for awhile. The severity of how shitty I feel only depends on how much I smoke. Anyone heard anything like this?
You could be one of the handful of people allergic to marijuana. Never heard of anything like that before, bro... But, if you feel like shit every time you smoke, why smoke?
Panic attacks. Somehow you had a bad experience triggered by external events while high, or you were scared to try weed and now your brain has strongly associated smoking weed with these symptoms. You need to learn how to stop panic attacks or stop smoking weed. I suggest doing both.
Possibly allergic to Cannabis. Or maybe panic attacks. I'd suggest edibles, but if one toke makes you so high, edibles will be a bit intense, but i would rule out if its the smoke or the weed. Hope you figure out, also.. try trying different weed. Maybe the herb aint for you my friend.
Mabye your idea of one hit is different to others. Take what you pack in a bowl, and divide it by ten. The tiniest amount can get me high.
Your signature is contradictory, hehehe. Anyway, yeah, just stop. It sounds like you just can't handle being high.
are there any other possible factors? medication or anything? idk man sounds like you probably just shouldn't smoke. i'm surprised you haven't stopped already lol.
Bro, you're puttin the pussy on the pedastool, except it isn't pussy, it's bud. Honestly ive been smokin 3 years and sometimes i still weak up with mucus or some shit ni my throat and i feel like when i spit it out, after i always have to puke but i never do... and then ill rip right after, cough a lot, and be fine in 10 minuites. uhm but i did hear drinking milk while smoking makes it less of a chance to puke, prefer OJ myself but i save it for trips ha
Wow I just made a lightbulb vape and I feel completley amazing. I feel like I have jusst foudn wheat getting high is like for the first time. Oh man this is awesome. I guess this just meansim going to have to vape from now on.
weed makes alot of other GC users shake/twitch as well. as for the rest of what you named...that happened to me to when i had very first started smoking...i used to think my heart stopped beating n shit hahah good times man i miss it check this out OP. http://forum.grasscity.com/general/522303-shaking-twitching-when-high.html you're not alone
Then maybe you just get a reaction from one of the many chemicals that release when you burn bud. Not everything is released when you vape. Problem solved.
I had a bad high. I had quit for a month, and a buddy invited me to a mutual friends. So I went, and they talked me into smoking. Well, without realizing my tollerence is now a turd, I was matching them bowls. So when I was high, I was too high and freaking out. I felt so hot, then cold. I felt the walls closing in, and I was dizzy. All the shitty things that could happen did. I didnt smoke after that for another couple days, then I felt ok. Another thing, is if this is the first time its been happening. If it is, then your weed might be sprayed. My old room mate got 2 strains of weed once, 40 a q and 80 a q. The 80 a q was a tad greener, but when you hit it, even a tiny infant inhale, would make you hack your lungs out as if it was a 6 foot bong. Weed can get sprayed with chemicals, by shitty dealers who think they can sell it for a higher price. Yes, it got us Superman high, but it wasnt worth it. We ended up taking the bag back to the guy, and demanded some other weed w/some cash back for the price difference.