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what the hell is up with my friend?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by footballkid001, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. alright well heres the story, i have this friend who i recently introduced to marijuana, and he always claims to feel nothing abnormal when smoking it. Now i know it is common to not get high your first time smoking, but last night was the sixth time he had smoked, and i really wanted to get his ass high this time, so we smoked 5 bowls of dank between the two of us. Few minutes later i am high as a motherfucker and i ask him how he feels and he says, "a little lightheaded, pretty much normal though." at this point i was just pissed off, i had no idea how the hell he could only be "a little lightheaded" so i decided to break out some liquor. it was his first time drinking, and we each took like 8 or 9 shots (hes about 160 lbs btw), and man was i fucked up. i figured that he would be fucked up for sure at this point, so i look over at him, ask how he felt, and he just said "pretty normal, nothing is really happening." i was like what the fuck dude are you kidding me, and i cant remember much else but how the hell could he feel normal after all of that?
  2. He wanted you to pack some more fat bowls. the old "i'm not high yet" trick hahaha
  3. cool story bro but i have to call BS
  4. was gunna say lieing or not inhaling

    but then you mentioned he took so many shots and still wasnt fucked up. the fuck :eek:
  5. yea it isnt an inhaling problem lol every time he holds it in for like 5 seconds and even inhales extra air after finishing a hit. he claims that he has some natural super tolerance for drugs because his dad used to be a party animal. i believe he is bullshitting but i am not sure why he would do that
  6. My friend always does the "I'm really not high at all right now" act, but then he says some stupid shit and you realize he only says that when he's baked.
  7. Are you sure his even hitting?
  8. um i call troll this same exact post was here like 3 weeks ago lol

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