Looks to me like you've got bugs of some sort. Need to take a magnifying glass and go over them really well and try to identify the culprit. Then you can come up with something to treat it with. Got anymore pics of the plant other than a single leaf? TWW
An insect of some sort is enjoying your leafs. Look closely at the underside of them to see if you can spot the invader.
Those are holes in your leaves. They were put there by caterpillars or grasshoppers. You must now hunt and shoot to kill. Monterey garden spray will take care of that for you.
Monterey Garden Spray buy from Grow Store, Amazon, Home Depot, Lowe's maybe even Walmart. Get some Monterey BT while you at it for caterpillars.
If shes outside we been getting hit hard from flea beetles SOBs are chewing holes in everything with a green leaf! They feed during the heat of the day and jump away like a flea when disturbed
Michganman; I used some diatomaceous earth slowed them to a crawl then it rained 2in and i need to reapply or turn a blind eye since they are big enough its most aesthetic now...
Yepper....she outside alright, but i can't find any damn bugs.shit is frustrating as hell, these plants are beautiful.
that's probably something that showed up to eat the bugs you have, looks to me like a predatory fly, I'm no bug expert but when I looked up similar insects on my tomatoes i believe most are helpful, some lay eggs in fallen fruit if remember correctly