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What the hell is this?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ca4life, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. Hey guys, I just found a big bag of weed ish. It's all grounded and it smells weird I find. It is mostly composed of brown hair of weed... Sounds weird right? Is it some good or crap stuff?


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  2. A closer look.
  3. I don't think its cannabis at all.
    Some herbs and spices.
  4. if its actually weed, which it does look like a whole lot of hairs it should be good. might not get u real stoned
  5. How much did you spend on this though??
  6. #6 aToker, Jan 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2014
    Edit: the close up actually looks likes weed, smoke a bowl and tell us.
  7. It's my dad's weed that I found...
  8. I actually thought it was a bag of dirt at first but in one picture I could see buds. I say smoke it the worst thing that could happen is you die Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
    Ahaha i can't die from it, that's what my dad uses to roll his joints and he's still alive.
  10. But is he SANE? If not BLAZE that shit!
    Yes he's SANE, he's about 54 years old but he's an alcoholic. He probably doesn't know what good weed is maybe? Not knowing this, he might be getting ripped off by people?
  12. K.., you missed the joke. Don't smoke it...
  13. You're asking if it's weed and then go on to say your father smokes it seems to indicate you know that it's weed. Want to know how good it is? None of us can answer that. Smoke a bowl. Obviously if your dad smokes it, you'll be fine.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  14. There's smarter people than me around here that could tell you for sure, but is it Sativa? I've only had one encounter with it and it looks kinda similar. I didn't like it's 0 to 100 back to 0 in matter of seconds kinda high it gave me.
  15. the close up looks like some quality shake, quality
  16. looks like weed with shredded cheese on top.
  17. I mean if I was there I could tell you if it's good or not, but seeing as how I'm not...
  18. Is it different bags or is it all the same? The first 3 pictures, it kinda looks like tobacco. Or dirt. I have no idea. The 2nd pictures. Them brown hairs, are they attached to the bud? It could possibly be bud and tobacco mixed. I have no idea. Doesn't look like anything I'm smoking though Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
  19. Is it different bags or is it all the same? The first 3 pictures, it kinda looks like tobacco. Or dirt. I have no idea. The 2nd pictures. Them brown hairs, are they attached to the bud? It could possibly be bud and tobacco mixed. I have no idea. Doesn't look like anything I'm smoking though Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum

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