What the hell do people talk about?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Fighter, Mar 22, 2011.

  1. Only reason I'm posting this thread in this section is because I'm pretty sure it's having an effect on me developing close relationships.

    Lately I've been realizing how distant I am from most of the people around me, which generally older than me but relatively young as far as age goes. When it comes to discussing current events, political/economic/legal concepts, my schooling, or anything productive I could go on for days but those topics aren't what the people I'm around speak on and they're also topics I would rather discuss sparingly since they are usually bleak.

    I've just been feeling like I'm left out of conversations since I have nothing to contribute mainly because I can't comprehend what they're talking about. Most topics I hear seem personal or revolve around their life so I don't feel the need to give my opinion on what they should do but I don't know how to be apart of those conversations like everyone around me seems to do.

    Honestly I'm just a little depressed, most of my encounters with people I use to know have been really cold and essentially speechless. I don't know what happened in the time I was away from my routine social setting but it seems to have affected how everyone excluding my closest friends see me, and even then I only have one friend I can discuss any topic with but it's usually when were drunk.

    Every time I meet someone new feels like a great experience since I haven't met anyone in a while that's actually had a problem with me. I guess I just need closure or at least an understanding of why the people who I thought were my friends, would do anything for, and that I left on great terms with won't even speak to me now.

    Writing this kind of made me feel better about the situation, but on topic, what do you talk about to people who aren't your close friends but people you'd like to know once you've covered the basics?
  2. Movies, books, life experiences. Get out and do something so you have shit to talk about!!

  3. I have a lot I could talk about but there not exactly legal or happy experiences even though I find them pretty funny.
  4. What exactly are they talking about?

  5. Kay, well, when first meeting people, keep your sadness to yourself. Nobody likes a debbie downer. But people like illegal things, ya? Its sooooo edgy
  6. You could possibly talk about your lack of not knowing what to talk about. BAHAHA jk don't...

    Talk about your interest, hobbies, anything. Try not to over think what your going to say to someone, since you have no control of their response. Just be yourself and try to keep your head up.
  7. I'm 47 and know a little about this. Congratulations! You are growing. I've shed many friends over the years because they wanted to stay stagnant. You seem very intelligent. find like minded people and shed the old friends. Life is like that. Just think what great, interesting, intellectually stimulating people are out there for you to get to know.
  8. When talking to guys talk about bacon, tits, weed, ass, movies, games, heavy metal, explosions, etc.

    When talking to girls talk about them.
  9. I just sit there and talk about myself until the person get's fed up and leaves.

    Make sure if they try and talk that you interrupt them as much as you can.
  10. Try to find some people that share similar interests with you, it's not really worth your time to hang out around people that you don't have anything in common with and can't enjoy being around.

    Also, I know this is a bullshit answer, but I find it works (especially at parties)

    Repeat what people say to you (without saying it verbatim) and agree a lot....

    You'll feel like a tool, but when in doubt it works 90% of the time.... :rolleyes:
  11. Absolutely nothing.

    Talk about how you feel expect remember that how would you talk to yourself if you were sitting across from yourself and you weren't really familiar with yourself. How would you set yourself at ease? Thats what people talk about
  12. I know exactly what you're talking about, and I'm in a similar boat.

    Many people just make quick shallow observations about the people/environment around them.

    Trust me, just stay who you are, don't try to fit in with people that aren't like you.
  13. You've got to start small, I guess. A simple "what's up" can usually stem into a pretty solid conversation. Just have to get involved and find out what the other person likes to talk about, I'd say
  14. music cars money,etc
    its actually real easy to start a conversation if you dont think about what your goin to say..IMO
  15. Haha. Im in the same boat as you my friend. I keep quiet most of the time cause the side of life I'm familiar with is shocking and real edgy to other people, I was a felon at 13 :\ lifes tough.
  16. get drunk. shit faced drunk. if you have to think about what you're going to say, then you're not drunk enough.

  17. Haha I've never been drunk enough to not think about what I'm saying, but it usually rolls of the tongue a lot easier.

    Trust me though, even during those times it wouldn't have been possible for me to get more drunk; Jack Daniels or some Caribou Lou plus chronic always leaves me not remembering shit after the last drop. :smoke:

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