What the heck am i doin wrong

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by CWBrain420, Aug 31, 2011.

  1. :confused: I've been smokin for a while now but usually always joints I decided to by a little sneak a tok and idk what Im doin wrong cause its not hitting HELP I know Im a blonde but you would think someone who has smoked as long as me could work a sneak a toke untitled.JPG


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  2. Is there a screen in it? If not the hole could be plugged with bud.
  3. is it clogged from resin?
  4. Hey giiiiiiiiiiirl. Its funny because the only people I've come across that have trouble with toking tools is girls. Im not trying to be sexist but its so true.
  5. i think you need to screw the cap off and pack it then put the cap back on...those pieces are kinda weird but they have been around a long time..the point is to keep your bud from falling out..

    hope you figure it out.
  6. I used to have one of them. Used it in class. Unscrew it and sometimes theres a screen hidden in the bottom thats blackened and covered in resin so its hard so see. Take a little screw driver or somehthing thing and scrape near the hole see if there is anything there. Also it should whistle when the flame is going inside it and your hitting it. Trippy but cool.

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