What the fuck

Discussion in 'General' started by capnchronic1001, Aug 27, 2011.

  1. Parents are out no one home and I live in the country. There is this loud heavy metal really hardcore coming from the fucking bush? It's fucked up it's so dark outside it looks like a nightmare.

  2. :eek: Fuck RUN IT'S A KKK GATHERING :bolt:
  3. #3 mushroomsatsuji, Aug 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    No it's not. We dont have anything going on in his area tonight
  4. I hope your house isn't the last house on the left..
  5. Lol, maybe but fuck it's scaring me. Usually doesn't bother me i like heavy metal, some screamo. But this shit is just so ominous like a fucking army in the distance.
  6. someones coming in hope it's parents fuck.
  7. Oh i thought we were having crumpet's and tea.....darn it that dam KKK receptionist :p
  8. Walk over there with some weed as a peace offering.
    Hopefully they don't rape/kill you.
  9. Lol parents back. It must be some neighbor far off. Damn I want his set up.

  10. Now that's a good idea :D

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