What the fuck

Discussion in 'General' started by BluntSmoka420, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. What do so many people talk shit about cigarettes when there are so many obese people, fucking ridiculous. gluttony and sloth are 2 of the 7 deadly sins and obese people are taking part in usually both (besides special circumstances) so why all the hate on cigarettes? Okay maybe the second hand smoke thing is bad but the whole campaign saying its worse than smoking a cigarette is just stupid. All those fat asses are most likely more unhealthy than a smoker especially someone like me who usually only smokes 2 a day, but still get so much shit for it.

  2. Uhhh, both are pretty bad. Obese people get a lot of shit too.

    Let's compare!!

    Both lead to an early death
    Both cause health problems ($$)
    Both can be prevented (this is arguable to some but uh yeah, you can exercise and eat right and even be give medication to lose weight. I promise it isn't impossible, and don't give me the thyroid excuse. And you don't HAVE to start smoking cigarettes).

    Also, when second hand smoke is worse for those around you, yeah, they have a right to be pretty pissed. Smoke your cigs, but don't drag me six feet under with you, you know?

    In conclusion: Both are a big problem in society. But people will be people and they will put whatever the eff they want into their bodies, ignoring the risks, until shit hits the fan.
  3. Yeah, if only the Surgeon General would put a label on fast food and processed food, "WARNING: Since this is probably your 10th time eating a Big Mac this week, you are at risk of becoming obese and an eyesore to the American public but also to the global perception of America. Thanks, asshole."
  4. smoking 2 a day is a risky habit.

    smoking 2 a day will give you the illusion that your not addicted, and you will find it easy to stop every once in awhile but you can easily slip into addiction.

    don't mean to nag but i do believe smoking in moderation is fine but i wouldn't make it a daily thing. maybe only one when a friend is over or something, that way its not like a schedule where your waiting for ur next smoke.

    stick to the reefer.
  5. Second hand smoke is bullshit.

    Just imagine all the other shit you inhale every day from factories and cars.

    This is referring to public places though. In confined spaces like a home where people are every day, yeah, it will do harm. Especially to kids
  6. Don't worry, I talk just as much shit on fat people as I do cigarettes.
  7. #7 BluntSmoka420, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    well i'm trying to quit anyways! thanks for the responses guys, yeah fat people do get a lot of shit too, but i already know i smell like a cig right after i smoke one why ya gotta remind me :rolleyes: and im actually a 2 smokes a day kind of guy coming off a pack a day well, it was a gradual change
  8. Im in the same boat man. I dont smoke all that much. 3 max on a usual day. Normally only 1. I smoke American Spirits and smoking half of one if enough, but if I dont smoke one in a few days, I can not sleep.
  9. yeah dude after about 2 days i'll get a headache or nausea, i'm hoping ill be able to quit by the end of the month though, and hope your able to do the same!:wave:

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