What the fuck is wrong with my brownies

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by genaro707, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. #1 genaro707, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    Ok two days ago i got 2 big brownies and 2 small brownies so last night i ate 1 small one and i felt it for like 10 seconds so i ate another small one like 30mins later. i felt it but it wasn't a brownie high and i was laying down on my bed all the time do you thing thats why it didn't hit me. Tonight i'm going to eat one of the big ones and i want to get the most out of it.

    No i didn't make them it was a friend
  2. Did you just throw the bud in with the batter? rofl
  3. My guess is that your friend probably forgot that it works best to make cannabutter then make the brownies. You should ask your friend and then report back.

    And even then it all depends on how much they used and how big of a batch of brownies they made.
  4. Dose anyone know a something besides brownies? (to well known) that I can put my canna butter in? Something I could take on a plane on a school fils trip to Washington DC? Thanks:smoke
  5. Well if you have the cannabutter with you, you can put it in any food that has use of butter. Reason why people make brownies is cause they dont mush as easy like cupcakes or cakes do, and shit, its chocolate lol. You can try making cookies.

  6. We made chocolate chip cookies once. They didnt end up looking to hot. Tasted quite good tho. I felt it into the next day, and damn did my shit stink like bud.
  7. Well do you know any way to make it so it dosnt smell at all

  8. Wrong............The reason most people make brownies is becuase you can under cook them and they are still good.
    When you make recipes with cannabutter you dont want to get the temp. too high or the thc will burn away.
    Theres are alot of good recipes in the cooking section.............
    As for the brownies .........Unless you know how much weed went in/ how good it was/ ect, You will have no idea how many brownies to eat......even when you make them yourself it's still a guess.........
    peace B
  9. OP, read this, it might help-

    Science: Oral intake of a cannabinoid together with a meal improved bioavailability by avoiding first-pass metabolism (abst. - 2009)
    International Association for Cannabis as Medicine

    And there is a whole big bunch of recipes in my List (click that first link in my sig) in the "METHODS OF USE - Edibles" section, if you are tired of brownies!

    Granny :wave:

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