I big fatty made me depressed today. Drugs wars, civil wars, people who smoke being prosecuted, owning a bong can puts you to jail, Mad cow desease, mouth and claw desease, we fuck up our enviroment and our own foodchain, we want to live forever, but don't have to respect for each other opinions, the whole economy is going to hell. What the f*ck is wrong with us. This is 2001 but sometimes I think we are the middle ages. Any profound advise people?? Peace and respect Superjoint
im still trying to figure out why we let people govern us. [ March 23, 2001: Message edited by: mjgarden ]
i know what you mean. i take a step back and look at the big picture. we were put on a beautiful place with millions of unique animals and plants. now, we're killing the animals and plants that were here millions of years before we were. george dubya wants to drill oil in US national parks. we're killing eachother over religions that probably dont make any sense whatsoever. we managed to make a hole in the ozone layer that will probably one day flood the earth with the water of melted polar ice caps, and WE AREN'T DOING A FUCKING THING ABOUT IT. native americans have the right ideas - they live in harmony with the animals and plants. they are all of equal importance. If we all lived like this, only taking what we needed, we wouldn't be in such a mess. there is still time to turn around, but that time is getting shorter and shorter. wow im pretty stoned and ive rambled on sorry. but i do feel quite strongly on this topic. anyway.....
"But It wasn't the bullet ,that laid him to rest........was the low spark or high heeled boys" (Name That Group) I disagree that it was the "fatty" that bummed you out man. Every day I see more and more people rushing at hyper speed.........to go nowhere. Consuming all in their path. "Bite the big apple.........don't mind the maggots"(name that group). People way too busy to see the gun collection their child has amassed. Too about themselves to hear the violence and distain in the lyrics. The lost boys.(and girls). roach [ March 23, 2001: Message edited by: Jabberwocky ]
We need a symbol...... Then we need to pool the energy....And see what happens... You people are all saying the right words...You just dont realize the power you have at your fingertips..... If everyone wants to really change....Then the best chance I see is....The weed rally... may 5.... but...it shouldnt just be the same old rally....It should be revolutionary in its intent..... And to be revolutionary....It needs to be discussed revolutionary.... And i think it is steve winwood...and the stones...of course.... heres one.... please to meet you...hope you guess my name...but...whats puzzlin you...Is the nature of my game... Did anyone realize that....That particular heavy song....actually starts out dark...but ends up very positive.... Listen....its there.... And no matter what... I am... peace... Cen
sorry to break it to ya sj...... people still suck..... tho things are changing here and there...... who knows what enough time may bring.....
Haha, just when I was thinking "Mad Cow Disease, is this guy from the 90's?" I saw it was from 2001. That's crazy man... time and everything. I dunno, I think I'm still a bit high or something.