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What temp. is to high

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by silvertoker, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. most of the time I use my butter for rice crispy treats. I heard before you lose some potency at a certain temp. thanks:D
  2. well, from experience with firecrackers, 350 degrees for over 25 minutes starts to hit vaping conditions.

    From what I hear, 392 is vaping temperature.

  3. wow... i dont even raise my butter over 210 and let it simmer for 3-4 hours or over night when doing a large batch... baking is a different story i think...

    I use an INFRARED temp gun to check my temp, although a thermostat should work to...
  4. haha yea but thats hours tho, and thats simmering in a large amount of liquid. As far as baking it is different tho. Good addition bro.

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