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What strain could this be? *Sydney pickup*

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by CurrenSy, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Just found this pic again, that was my stash a couple of weeks back.
    Hmm... looks really earthy with a lot of red hair. I am actually out of it now but it smoked like a hybrid on the indica side. I got this here in Sydney, so could this be an Australian strain?
    Almost looks a bit kushy to me.:smoke:

    Attached Files:

  2. just call it OG Kush like everyone else in the stash jar forums that don't really know what they're smoking :hello:

    bud looks awesome tho.
  3. yea i can def tell what strain that is
  4. Super Hairy Aussie Kush

  5. dude seriously?

    I thought everyone knew..

    You got yaself some of that rare ginger pube bud dawg!

    but ya, deff looks like a potent ass indica from all the red...

    prob outdoors.
  6. looks like hay and pubes, when i had dragon's breath thats exactly what it looked like. but guessing genetics by appearance is next to impossible
  7. Thats definately some pee pee kush x old lady shit diesel. had it last week. 'twas BOMB.
  8. We call that the good..

    who gives a damn what its called..
  9. superbabydro rainbow bubble gum kush bro.
  10. Some people arereally creative in this thread hahaha
    yeah and I won't just name it Kush, thats why I asked :p
    Smoked pretty well though, that shit knocked me straight out from 12:30 am to 1:45 pm. ^^ I didnt even hear my alarm haha
    But yeah, I was guessing it would be outdoor as well.
  11. Omg +rep, i laughed for 10 minutes straight.
    Maybe its cause im stoned, but il give you the rep anyways
  12. bump, is there anyone else who might have an idea? I really wanna know so I can specifically ask for more. :) Otherwise its hard to find specific strains here in Aus.
  13. Bro that bud is hairy a fuck.
  14. id say the genetics look to be more like a haze, but theres no for sure way to tell :rolleyes:
  15. its a 1 in a 1,000,000 shot... but since you're asking my GUESS is AK-47, and i believe it looks to be outdoor. could be wrong about both... or right about both :)
  16. Ginger Vagina OG kush.
  17. looks like some gear I just had recently.. your pickups in city area?
  18. yes, it is! good chance we had the same stuff?:smoke:
  19. tbh this is easy. m39

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