What state is furthest from legalization

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Sshack, May 19, 2010.

  1. This confused me a bit, too. Also, I didn't know about these until going to norml.org.
  2. Virginia is a commonwealth so they would be one of the last to legalize if anything
  3. Pretty sure Kansas just passed MMJ, check me on that.

    I will say the SE will be last to actually legalize. The bible belt voters have the stupid.
  4. It's their right to determine the laws in their State, whether we agree with it or not or whether it's misguided or not.
  5. x10

    More Words
  6. #46 I have this, May 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2010

    agree, but the determining factor is misinformation and lack of education on the topic so they can impose the will of their pastor on the masses, this problem goes deeper than MMJ, way deeper.

    The "old guard" seems to be living forever.

    Here is a good example of the mentality. not me speaking obviously, a person I unfortunately have to deal with on a regular basis.

    "I've never had a sip of alcohol, a puff of cigarette, and I sure never touched any drugs, frankly I dont see the appeal"
  7. I agree 100%

    We can't even get real beer here! :mad:
  8. It is, but who says that right is right (for lack of a better word)?

    Why should they have the right to deprive others of medicine they need? I dont see any reason why the Constitution or any part of it should be regarded as perfect. In fact, this country is based on injustice.

    I understand they have the right, but I certainly DO NOT agree with any state being able to keep marijuana illegal. It simply should not be legally possible. Prohibition is illegal if you ask me.
  9. Alabama is kinda rough...You can see prison time with any usable amount, although most cops where I live could give two damns about a nick.

    They have a bill for medical Marijuana which passed through the house but the fucking Republicans in the senate delayed it till next year. We will see but it is a promising sign that at least its up for discussion and it passed through the house.
  10. damn right floridal. i live here and its so rough. but every once in a wile, you will get a cop who will pull you over for speeding and you have a grahm or less on you, he will just make you stomp on it, give you teh speeding ticket and let you go. and thats the BEST they can do
  11. West Virginia all the way. If their is a poll about anything West Virginia is also dead last. Hands down.
  12. This. We just outlawed this synthetic weed called k2. We can't even get legal highs :eek:

  13. truth.
  14. hey guys I was looking around on the interwebs and I ran across this and thought it would go well in this thread.[​IMG]
  15. Okay well let's just say 0.97 of a gram of reg sent me to county jail all night and cost me over 1,000 bucks here in Arkansas. And our cops fit the definitioin of DOUCHE BAG here let me tell ya...

    and the judges here dont give a shiiiiit haha... well our judge in my county never does..
  16. #58 ChosenTurtle, May 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2010
    South Carolina is too republic of a state to pass any MJ Law. Although our punishment isnt as bad as some states but our state troopers favorite thing to do is to catch people with drugs.

  17. word. fuck utah
  18. Sunshine State has a trafficking standard 4 times as tough as the
    federal government's! This map says it all, when we have worst laws then federal goverments law s on weed!!! ugh def. the furthest away from any type of reformation!!:mad::mad:

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