What state is furthest from legalization

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Sshack, May 19, 2010.

  1. I'd say Utah is the furthest from legalization. Crazy mormons.
  2. I live in Kentucky guys, I feel your pain. Louisville is liberal haven and everything outside is PURE TEA BAGGER
  3. Arkansas/oklahoma/missouri.

    Those are in the bible belt so thats just my two cents.

  4. Lived in Tampa, for a while and its basically only the youth, same with gville and tally, basically areas around college campuses like in every other state i figure!!! in south florida on the other hand theres quite the weed acceptance, i feel its due to the fact that pigs here have bigger fish to fry!!! cops roppin people for mj here in miami is not that serious!!!!!!!! And are BUD IS FIRREEEE, may sound it bit ignorant but i had no idea what mids was until i went to tampa !!!:rolleyes: i agree florida is the furhtest from legalization, Florida has way to many old republicans, my father being one of them!!:mad: There may be many people working to better our situation,like PUFMM, but in all honestly we may be out numbered!!!:eek: If florida had more people accepting MJ we could have stopp HB 187, like we did with the education bill!!! It was about getting up and standing up for our rights!! Instead people didnt think it was that serious or at least many stoners that i came upon in the streets when i was collecting pettions!!! We just let them do as the please in tally! passing bills that will never help reform our MJ laws!!!:mad::smoking:
  5. Well furthest I would say Texas, simply because it's ultra conservative.
  6. There is no way to know at all which state will legalize it last. Hell, we have to wait for states to legalize Medical MJ, then there is still decriminalization, then there is the final stage which is legalization.

    Also, the thread title and the OPs original post are different from each other. They are two different ideas completely. (see quote below)

    This is the question I was answering.

    4th time in this thread. Maybe they will actually read it now that you've posted it. :D
  7. Kansas, unfortunately :(
  8. i never hear anything from delaware so im going with them, that and because they have like the most corporations is one state.
  9. Florida for sure. The closest State to Florida that has any medical law would be Rhode Island followed by Michigan.

    Florida to Michigan Total Travel Estimate: 21 hours 49 minutes / 1365.60 miles
    Florida to Rhode Island Total Travel Estimate: 21 hours 9 minutes / 1276.36 miles

    I don't know how to measure attitude distances except by law. Then Florida would not be furtherest away from legalization since NE and a few other state issue felonies for a gram.

  10. Don't get too comfy yet, I am sure Obama's DUID model looks very enticing to the florida lawmakers.
  11. Personally i dont really care if its legal cuz i never play on getting caught :smoke:

    But I live in MO and let me just say IT FUCKING BLOWS!

    7 years in jail and 5000$ fine? give me a fucking break.
  12. Not to be that guy, but no one plans on getting caught man.
    But as long as your careful.
  13. Kansas, nor Missouri will ever legalize. Even if it is legal on a national level I think that some states will permanently choose to keep it illegal.
  14. And, as a believer in States rights, I'd say that's their right, and if the people there want to change it they can vote new officials in. My biggest problem is the Federal Prohibition. Without that the States would have never made it illegal.
  15. I'm in UT and don't get the sense that MMJ is even close to being legal. My only hope is that eventually UT will be surrounded by states where it is legal, and people will have to realize that continued prohibition is an impossibility.
  16. Also in UT and it is pretty fucked here.
  17. haha, ya i know what you mean and i phrased that funny.

    Ya as long as you keep your head about you, you never have to worry about marijuana laws
  18. I dont live in FL but i hear its hell for the common cannabis user.
  19. #39 douchebag5000, May 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2010
    what in the blazing saddles is this business about marijuana tax stamps? :confused: how are you going to... have a state sponsored program of marking material that is illegal in the first place, this doesn't make sense to me and apparently I am a noob when it comes to marijuana tax stamps. :p

    EDIT: http://forum.grasscity.com/legalization-activism/584597-marijuana-tax-stamp-laws.html

    yeah someone needs to slap the governments, state and federal, hard in the face. what a bunch of unethical horseshit. combined with draconian drug laws in the first place. I mean, its not like, these states, by remaining more conservative, are preserving morality and justice. I can just imagine Missourians saying, "let's please keep drugs out of our state and abstain from substances, including alcohol, so we may not become apathetic and forget the suffering of others, past, present, future."
    Yeah, yeah f*ckin right. Hypocrites. And that includes the Christians

    cue my universal "injustice in America" theme song (The red hot chili peppers')
    johnny kick a hole in the sky!

    and maybe someday the merry pranksters of justice will come along and teach the hypocrites a thing or two
  20. William Randolph Hearst, *cough* *cough*, [one of the] biggest douchebag in history... *cough cough*. Read Six Degrees: Life On A Hotter Planet. Randolph Hearst is definitely contributing to global warming, big-time post-mortem. What an unholy dick-munching, profaner of thousands of years of sacred practice and humanity, as far as I see it. And he was born-well to do... to fuck shit up like that is a royal failure.

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