what started the war on terror?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by getstoned247, Jul 21, 2006.

  1. Are you saying that the war on terror started when we invaded Iraq??? I thought it started years ago....years before 9/11...
  2. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assasinated. This lead to world war I which in turn lead to world war II which lead to the creation of Israel which in turn lead to the pissing off of the muslims. In a nutshell...

    Hence my friend's favorite piece of Graffiti "Archduke Franz Ferdinand found alive and well. All major wars of the 20th century a mistake."
  3. um, can we get accurate? war on terror? isnt war one of the most terrifying, terrorising things that could ever be??? so, um... no, it just doesn't work.

    its more oxymoronic than "military inteligence".

    doublespeak galore. like switch is evidently capable of, look into a little history. like perhaps george bush's family tree (who was his grandaddy again?) or the history of the PNAC and the Skull & Bones secret society. "war on terror" HA!

  4. It makes me wonder how people can be so ignorant, it's so damn obvious something is wrong. Look at the 2004 election. Bush v. Kerry. Did you know they were cousins? 16th cousins, but still...they were also both in Skull and Bones, a secrect society which only get (I believe) 15 new recruits a year, and there are only about 800 living S&B members alive at any one time. Out of 300million people we get two that are cousins and in the same secret society? If Hillary wins in 08' It will have gone George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr., Hillary Clinton....WOW! The clintons and the bushes are also very close. I can't believe they used to tell us all in school, that anyone could be president, what a load of shit.

    p.s. Don't worry, the erosion of your civil liberties will only last as long as the never ending war on terror. Kind of reminds me of 1984. Who are we at war with now..is it Eurasia, or Eastasia?
  5. +rep Digit and +rep WinstonSmith! It is time that everyone stop letting themselves be fooled. Those assholes running our government do not care one TINY little thing about Americans. Fuck them. Fuck them all to hell.

    Digit, I believe that is the most coherent post I've ever seen you make. haha. It was fantastic. :smoking:
  6. i'm getting practiced at coherence on this topic, the staggeringness of it all often had me stumbling over my own outrage. meditation helps balance the assimilation of knowledge others would prefer to disbelieve. http://www.educate-yourself.org theres soooo much in this website sometimes its hard to find it again.

    play with arms dealers and you'll get shot.

    what alot of these assholes need is love though, not scorn. a loving kick up the bum maybe*, but love all the same, not scorn.

    *in the form of clockwork orange-esq "rehabilitation"? any other suggestions? heh.

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