What stage is it good to take a clipping?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by biroc, Sep 15, 2011.

  1. At what stage in the plant's life cycle is it best to make a cutting for cloning?
  2. just before ya kick ta flower..you can pull em after they show sex too but then they hafta revegg which takes forever:smoke:
  3. Good to know, does the plant have to be a particular height?

    The plant I have now has started flowering, its @ 8"-9" right now.
  4. As soon as the plant is 8 or 9 nodes you can top it and use the top as a clone, or you can wait for branches. But as soon as there as branches big enough to cut, that's the best time to take clippings, and where up until you switch to flower. You can take cuttings up until about 2 weeks of flowering, but will have a lower success rate, and it gets harder and harder after that. The easy answer to your question is, anytime in veg.
  5. Down the road, I'm thinking about taking clippings.

    Can a clipping be taken from a side branch?

    Or, must it be "always" the main branch?
  6. you can take a clipping anywhere a node produces a new "branch" system.

    Your best bet it to do it as far along as you can, so you allow your clipping to mature enough, so that the shock of you cutting it off its mother, and then forcing it to be its own plant, wont be too hard on it.

    The smaller, undeveloped clippings will have a much lower rate of success than the big ones - thats not to say that small clippings dont work. Just statistics..

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT_c-NH22Do]Jorge Cervantes: Taking Clones Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8Z3my7IT-A&feature=related]Jorge Cervantes - Taking Clones Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]

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