If seedlings require no nutes at all, then what kind of soil do you use ? Im not doing organic or making my own , I just want a soil brand name or type for seedling that you can buy at home depot or Lowes. do you use just plain old top soil, regular dirt or what ? then after a few weeks when transplanting from a party sized cup to a 3 gallon pot I will use FF ocean forest soil.
The soil for seedlings really isn't that big of a deal. I used a offbrand potting soil bought from a local garden store. Rockwool cubes are good.. Seedlings need a soil that is lightweight so the roots can grow freely. A commonly used mix consists of sphagnum peat moss, peralite, & vermiculite.
so is Scotts top soil or potting soil ok to use, or any kind of regular dirt/soil sold at home depot or lowes ?
so is Scotts top soil or potting soil ok to use, or any kind of regular dirt/soil sold at home depot or lowes ?
make sure the soil has no time release nutriants like miracle grow. seedlings are delicate and nute burn will kill them quickly. get some peat pucks and start them in there. once the grow enough that the roots pop out place peat and all in GOOD soil like promix or fox farm. dont screw with cheap soil its not good for what we do. (I made that mistake and killed 3 plants)
jason,, most places selling garden seed sell little bags of seedling mix. i think mine was ferry-morse seed brand. yes you can use fox farm. the starter mix is just ground up nice and fluffy.
i went to the dollar store and grabbed 2 bags of seed starting soil for 1.50 each and i had no problems with it.. now i have them in FFOF
thank you but this thread is getting confusing. I will highlight in bold: If seedlings require no nutes at all, then what kind of soil do you use ? Im not doing organic or making my own , I just want a soil brand name or type for seedling that you can buy at home depot or Lowes. do you use just plain old top soil, regular dirt or what ? then after a few weeks when transplanting from a party sized cup to a 3 gallon pot I will use FF ocean forest soil.
Yes and occasionally it's too hot for seedlings. It's great for plants who are mature enough to need the nutes, but for seedlings I would just get some unferted top soil. It should be pretty cheap.
ok your from the states so your familiar with home depot and lowes, so top soil then is what I need, thank you, so Scotts (brand) top soil is ok for the first 3 weeks for plant, then switch to FF ocean forest during transplanting?
I believe so. As long as it has no time release nutes (which some of scott's products do) then you're fine. Personally I just went to my local convience store and got cheap soil, but I can't remember the name or manufactuer. If I found it at a tiny store in the middle of a town of less than 3000 people, you should be able to find something suitable. Then transplant into FFOF when they outgrow the solo cups and you're good to go.
man im telling u.. that dollar store seed starting mix is good enough.. like 6 days after sprout i transplanted in FFOF.. if u can get FF light warrior.. thats fopr seed starting too
does plain old soil with no nutes exist in stores ? I mean does everything sold in stores have shit added to soil. I dont want to dig up dirt from the ground and use that, because I read on here that it could be bug infested. none of my dollar stores sell anything close for planting.
damn thats sucks... ur right about the soil from the ground could be infested.. look for "seed starting soil" check the bag to make sure it doesnt have nutes or ferts.. if has any number like 10-10-10 (example) u dont want it
Is this OK to use for seedling ? 0.75 Cu. Ft. Scotts Premium Topsoil Lighter blend of organic materials than ordinary, heavy, topsoil Excellent for leveling and filling holes in your lawn and garden Premium soil blend and peat moss for improved results No sewage sludge or bio-solids [/LIST]
thanks, it says nothing about having any fertilizer in it, and its used to patch holes in lawns and gardens so sounds right. I mean a seed only needs plain soil to sprout right, then later it requires nutes for vegging, and blooming. which I have in mind FFOF and FFtiger bloom. know any stickies for indica strains for beginners ?