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What smoking tool gets you the most ripped?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Kevster89, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. For some it may be a gravity bong, blunt, brownie, etc. So, what gets you the most ripped?
  2. Everyone always says bongs, but personally a nice big blunt will get my the highest.. I can smoke it faster
  3. i can usually smoke a blunt or a joint eaiser, but for getting higher id have to say using my really nice glass bong with my trumpet mouthpiece for a bowl, Hits like a b every time. only down side is i cant clear it so i just keep smoking and smoking:bongin:
  4. bong no question
  5. for me bongs. i've never tried edibles but i heard they hit you hard
  6. Bong all day long :bongin:
  7. waterfalls or gravs
  8. waterfalls first, then bongs
  9. In the order, exactly:

    1) Waterfalls
    2) Gravs (Gravity Bong)
    3) Glass Bongs
  10. id have to say brownies and bongs and also gravitybongs. really good weed gets me the most stoned
  11. Of course I'm throwing bong down... The scientific glass is where it's at.
  12. me and a friend just hit a nice long J out of his bong.

    i pick that. :smoke:
  13. Im breaking the mold here. Vape.

    I know, i know, its not a "smoking tool", but neither is a brownie.
  14. Vape is my favorite. I still have yet to try edibles, but I heard that they are intense as fuck. My friends cooked it their first time and they said they were high for 3 days.
  15. damn dude its always the bong i just get on another level of stoned and ive come to love the "i can't breathe" feeling. The bong will defend your best player and shoot from the perimeter. It's just clutch.
  16. Damn I love where this threaded is headed so far. For me it's probably between blunts or gravity bongs..
  17. gota be the GB man. when your pulling a swat, it cooks your weed to nothing so you get ALL the THC out of it makeing you pretty messed up and makeing your weed last longer. 1 can make a 1/8 last me about 5 days with a gb and get ripped every night. but i can roll an entire blunt with nearly an 1/8 and i get just as high...but then im out of weed in one smoke
  18. i like eating a firecracker then smoking a bowl out of my dry pipe. im not a real bong advocate

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