So i have 3 different smoking devices, a cigarette one hitter, bubbler and joint papers. I find when i smoke a joint i wont get nearly as high as when i smoke the same amount from my bubbler. That being said when i smoke from my one hitter 4 hits and its like i smoked a whole joint to my face. Idk if my tolerence was just down or what. I read somewhere that the water filtration takes out some of the THC but i dont find that. anyways has anyone really tested smoking the same amount from different pieces (dry and wet) im just wondering how i can save my weed.
People who use vaporizers swear it triples your thc intake. Never tried one myself, but people who have are pretty much unanimous.
You'd only be saving decimals worth of weed. I don't really think it's worth it to buy some 200-400 dollar vaporizor to save a single gram every oz. you smoke. Reason I roll with papers and blunts is because I don't want to pay for something so expensive that could potentially break, all because I wanted to save .1 g of weed.
My consumption was cut in half when I went from smoking to using a VaporGenie. When I went from a VaporGenie to a Purple Days vaporizer, my consumption was cut in half again. WIth that vape, I was able to get 5 hits from a mere 0.025g (a 40th of a gram). As compared to smoking, that savings was HUGE and a 200 to 400 dollar vaporizer paid for itself within a few months.
i actually feel like i get blazed as hell when i smoke a blunt or joint but when i hit my bowl i dont get as high even if i pack the same amount. and i find it really hard to get super blazed off my one hitter but its wat saves me the most weed
[quote name="Some Asian Toker" post="19407077" timestamp="1390703482"]You'd only be saving decimals worth of weed. I don't really think it's worth it to buy some 200-400 dollar vaporizor to save a single gram every oz. you smoke.Reason I roll with papers and blunts is because I don't want to pay for something so expensive that could potentially break, all because I wanted to save .1 g of weed.[/quote]Way off blade...way off. A legit vape is worth every single penny and if you smoke enough it pays for itself in a month. I was burning a quarter of trees a week. Bought a vape, cut that my consumption in half. So I went from a zip a month to a half zip. Paid for in a month...Then consider that AVB can be used to make edibles. In a month I have saved half what I would've spent on nugs, and have half ounce of materials for edibles....Legit vapes come with several year warranties so I'll be way ahead if it breaks in the first several years. Additionally vaping tastes just like the nugs smell. Which is way better than the taste of combusting plant matter. You have fun rolling blunts...Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
[quote name="chuckymedicali" post="19416241" timestamp="1390843122"]nothing conserves like a gravity bong my man, you could use like .1 and be high as a mofucka[/quote]Or you could vape it up and enjoy the taste instead of hitting stale smoke. To each his own I suppose...Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
stale for sureeeee but hey, if you dont have the money for a solid vape, want to conserve your buddha and have a 2 liter laying around.....
I vaped .025g out of my vape.............that's 4 times less than what you use in your gravity bong and I get 5 hits and got totally blazed, so while you may really like your gravity bong, to say that it conserves like nothing else is not quite accurate. I vape every single night and a gram lasts me over a month.
The best is a small pipe, not a vape, as that is not a smoking tool. I know everyone likes to talk about how much better their vape is than smoking but it's not that relevant here.
.1 is an estimate, my bad. one of my good friends owns a silver surfer and its a dope vape. you're right in saying your vape conserves more weed. personally i'll take a bong rip over anything else, but hey if everyone's high then who gives a fuck! haha! cheers
Yeah. I totally agree about bong rips and is the sole reason why I run my vaporizer through a bong. LOL.'s an insanely small amount. Yeah, I totally agree with you but there are many who don't make that distinction between vaporizers and smoking tools.