Setting up my 7x7x7 grow flower room and my veg room is the only room currently rocking. Question, I've got most of my plants set up in 2 gal pots and a grower I know mentioned that he thought 3 gallon would be the smallest he would go... What is the optimum size pot -- should by two gallon pots be ok, or should I transplant to a bigger one -- thanks in advance for your sage advice -- h
Hanbar, suggest you go with the 3 gal containers. As is written elsewhere, one should allow approximately 1 gal of container for each month of growth. My experience is the smaller containers will be quickly outgrown and you will be forced to transplant or experience stunted growth at a critical point in maturation. That said, you also need to take into consideration the sexxing phase if growing from seed. No sense in transplanting males! If you are currently stable at 2 gals and have NOT yet sexed the plants then leave them alone. If they are already sexxed (females) then switch to 3 gal but keep your transplant medium exactly the same as your initial soil mix to avoid any potential problems. Make sense?
Believe it or not, this grew in a one gallon bleach jug with the top cut off because i ran out of containers when it needed to come out of the 18 oz. party cup. View attachment 196995 Strain \tBlueIce\t Seed Start\t \t12/14/2008 FlowerStart\t1/24/2009 VegDays\t41\t HarvestDate \t4/5/2009\t FloweringDays\t\t71.00 DaysToHarvest\t\t112 Yield Oz\t1.43
The bigger the better , if your gonna run a long veg I would grab some 5 gal growbags. It really all depends on your veg.
Give roots plenty of room to spread. General rule of thumb 1 gallon of container/growing medium per month the plant will be in the container. So 1 month veg 2 months flower = 3 gallon container minimum. GooD LucK