what should my resivoir temperature be?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by 805kushkid, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. what should my resivoir temperature be? for ebb and flow table in hydroton during flowering
  2. I use an aquarium heater in my 25 gallon reservoir. I keep it on the lowest setting, 68 degrees F. It could probably go a few degrees lower. Anyone else have an answer?
  3. 68 is actually very ideal temp. Anything above that you start to see a decline in uptake. Anything over 75 can lead to problems.

    Most people that use hydroponic solution coolers generally keep the temp right around 68.
  4. i been in the 70 - 73 range

    and have seen no problem with uptake as they murder what i feed them...
    just dont let them sit in over 75 or 74 for hours after hours youll get smelly solution,,, and that plus high temps will lead to nasty roots then you get your big problems:mad:

    but keep it under 73 and your good

  5. my resivoir is ina spot that causes it to get real cold like ice water cold but not freezing is that bad and what should i do ?

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