I have a full medicali bong, (bong, stem, bowl, perc). I also have an extra small one hitter bowl. I have a medicali bubbler, i have a pipe, i have a joint roller, i have a hakko soldering iron. I also have a vapor brothers vape, i am wondering what is next. I am almost thinking about going out to purchase a iolite right now.
Shit, sorry i forgot. I did have a chromium crusher, but it got jacked this weekend. I ordered a mendo mulcher and it should be here today or tommorrow off ebay.
i've heard only good things about the volcano vape... also there's an interesting recipe for using tincture in an e-cig... also... cannabutter is a great way of consumption... cookies, brownies, pasta, pudding, whatever can be made with fat in it...
Oh yea, I have a ecig. I also have a mini vapir. No way am i getting a volcano after my vapor bros vape i just bought.
Opt for the most ridiculous and unique bubbler you can. They're a great piece to have. Get something real heady, you'll love it.
steamroller, or glass blunt, or volcano, or chillum, or churchwarden, or vortex bong, or THIS hope i could help, no credit taken for these pics
haha exactly man, that (or something similar) is next on my list to buy, along with an oz of dank to reign it in
if you want one of those steamrollers i suggest getting them while they're still around. probably wont be for long
hookah is totally useless unless ya wanna burn up like 10g at once and have most of it billow out the top also... might i suggest a shotgun slider, just for completeness of the collection
Instead of getting the iolite, I suggest getting a magic flight launch box. About 150 bucks cheaper and all I've read are good things about it. Ordered mine this weekend after reading a lot of reviews and whatnot about it. I also considered getting an iolite but after seeing this tiny portable vaporizer of awesomeness I changed my mind. Heats up faster than the iolite, you don't need to carry butane with you for refills (uses batteries) and it has a lifetime warranty. Read some reviews for yourself, you also might change your mind from the iolite.