What should my next tool be? (I have like everything)

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Sullivan, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. I have a full medicali bong, (bong, stem, bowl, perc). I also have an extra small one hitter bowl.
    I have a medicali bubbler, i have a pipe, i have a joint roller, i have a hakko soldering iron. I also have a vapor brothers vape, i am wondering what is next. I am almost thinking about going out to purchase a iolite right now.
  2. Shit, sorry i forgot.

    I did have a chromium crusher, but it got jacked this weekend. I ordered a mendo mulcher and it should be here today or tommorrow off ebay. :)
  3. #4 kerenski, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    i've heard only good things about the volcano vape...
    also there's an interesting recipe for using tincture in an e-cig...
    also... cannabutter is a great way of consumption... cookies, brownies, pasta, pudding, whatever can be made with fat in it... :smoke:
  4. just start a high end bong family....
  5. Oh yea, I have a ecig. I also have a mini vapir. No way am i getting a volcano after my vapor bros vape i just bought.
  6. smoke blunts
  7. Opt for the most ridiculous and unique bubbler you can. They're a great piece to have. Get something real heady, you'll love it.
  8. buy a better bong than a medicali.
  9. Get a toro or sg
  10. I just jizzed, I want this:


  11. haha exactly man, that (or something similar) is next on my list to buy, along with an oz of dank to reign it in :smoke::smoke:
  12. get like ahookah with lots of hoses and stuff :)
  13. Lets see some pics of your stuff.
  14. if you want one of those steamrollers i suggest getting them while they're still around. probably wont be for long
  15. :laughing: :laughing::laughing:

    don't buy a hookah
  16. #18 kerenski, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    hookah is totally useless unless ya wanna burn up like 10g at once and have most of it billow out the top ;)

    also... might i suggest a shotgun slider, just for completeness of the collection :D
  17. Want to save a ton of weed, and get high as shit.
    Try one of these....

    Just my 2cents worth, peace.
  18. Instead of getting the iolite, I suggest getting a magic flight launch box. About 150 bucks cheaper and all I've read are good things about it. Ordered mine this weekend after reading a lot of reviews and whatnot about it. I also considered getting an iolite but after seeing this tiny portable vaporizer of awesomeness I changed my mind. Heats up faster than the iolite, you don't need to carry butane with you for refills (uses batteries) and it has a lifetime warranty. Read some reviews for yourself, you also might change your mind from the iolite.


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