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What should I do

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by RedEyedJedi420, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Well I have a cold now with a sore throat and already rolled a blunt. So should I smoke now with a cold, or let my blunt sit in a mason jar and just wait a week or two. Will anything happen to my blunt if its just sitting in a mason jar? Thanks
  2. The Narc Fairy will take it while you sleep.
  3. Smoke it while you've got the cold, it really doesn't matter, hell, for all we know blunts could be the cure for the cold. Nothing will really happen to it if you leave it in a mason jar for a week thought either.
  4. It should be safe and sound in the mason jar.

    When I smoke my sinus' get kind of sketchy so i try not to blaze too much when i'm sick but thats just me.
  5. Smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke !
  6. If you already have a sore throat, lay off of it for a day or too. Go get some mucinex or dayquil/nyquil, shit works like a charm. Have some orange juice too. That blunt will be ready to smoke in about 2 days.
  7. last week i had a pretty bad cold, i was coughing a lot and all that. I smoked on 2 occasions and it was just the worst man, it triggered a massive cough attack for an hour or so and I ended up throwing up from coughing so much. First time anything like that has ever happened to me. I vaped however on a different night and it was a lot smoother but still kind of sucked. I ate a weed brownie and that was pretty much the best thing ever since I was sick.

    I would just wait man, being sick sucks and you don't want to make it worse on your lungs and throat if you already have a cough.
  8. smoke it and just take smaller hits. ull cough but ull feel so much better after

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