Im under 21. My dad caught me and some friends drinking. He wants to know where the alcohol came from. I cant rat on anyone. What should i say? so far i have just simply refused to answer.
i thought about that, but since i already refused to answer him i cant really go back to a story like that,,, he will wonder why i was trying to cover up for a random "hey dude" guy. im so f-ed.
just tell em the truth then. Lieing only gets you in more trouble. I found that out many many times when i was younger lol. if that's not a possibility, then idk what to tell you man
thats basically what iv done so far, but they are really pressuring me for a better answer. since i wont say who i got it from they are assuming i might have stole it.
tell them you stole it then that would be a good reason as to why you were trying to cover up at first.i dont know just a suggestion.
This. They'll pile the pressure on even more than they are at the moment, but eventually they'll realize that they can't bully you into acting against your own conscience, and they'll respect you for it. If you give in to them now, you'll be in the same amount of trouble, you'll have sold out a friend and your parents will continue to treat you like a child. Part of being an adult is sticking to your guns, unfortunatley another part is facing the music, even when you're doing what's right.
i would ask them why they care so much about who got it for you. Tell them just to punish you for drinking underage (i could care less, lol, i did it way too much). Tell them it's no one else's fault for you to make your own decision to drink. They shouldn't care about who got it, but the fact that you drank. Idk, lol. If/when my daughter is older & i find out she was drinking i wouldn't ask who got it, i'd ask why she did it and how much she does it.
they care about where it came from so much because they think i stole it. i need to make them realize i didn't steal it without telling where it really came from.
Thats what i do. you should probably just tell him you paied a crazy guy $2 to go and get it for you. thats what I do. And pretend like you really dont want him to go and look for this guy and embarrass you. That way would have a reason to have not told him.
even i wouldn't believe that if my kids told me that. it sounds bs... at least im not lying when i just refuse to talk. i just need to make them believe i didn't steal it.
i know maybe i should have but see,,, i live in a really small town and everyone knows everyone. they are no bums.
i'd make them feel guilty for them actually believing you'd steal booze. would you steal booze? if not, make em feel like shit for accusing you of doing so. Pull the reverse psychology on their asses! haha. not much you can really do if they're not going to believe/trust you
Dude, you're fucked. You've shot down our advice. Why not just say, "I'm not a fucking thief, I'm pissed that you'd assume that of me. Just punish me and quit asking questions because you're never going to know." ...?