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What should I do?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by FattieJoint, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. On august 15th, i'm buying 2 Q's, which are £50 each and weighing at 7 gram. Should I get 2 Q's of 2 different bud. Or just get them from my Aunty when I know it will be a good deal weighing at 7gram?
  2. If I were you I would go with a straight dealer. Which I guess would be your "Aunty" which I assume is your aunt. The reason I would go with that is because your not gonna get shorted so youll have 2 quads with no worries.
  3. ^ what he said
  4. yeah, i was thinkin on doin that. it maybe further too travel too but its worth the bud. she usally has some chronic highgrade cheese :smoke:
  5. What should you do? You should post more! welcome to the city, it will become your obsession soon enough.
  6. yea will do, i like this forum as i can disscuss with people the things i like aka WEED
  7. I have to say go with the two different quads. after i smoke more than a quad of the same chronic i get sick of it. thats me personally though
  8. Id probably go with your "aunty" that way you know youre not getting ripped off. Although if youre getting the other guy to scale it out, you might want 2 different strains so yo u have a choice everytime you smoke :smoke:

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