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What should I do? Need help quick!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Symphony, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. Okay heres the situation:

    My friend wants to go see "Wall Street" in like an hour.

    Im driving, and I wanna smoke before I see it, Im already baked, but I wanna get really stoned before I see it.

    - I cant smoke at home, because my sis is here (she doesnt know I blaze)

    - I cant smoke in front of my friend (he is against pot)

    - I dont wanna smoke a Joint in my car, but I have a bubbler? (will bubbler make my car stinky?)
  2. welll if your worried about parents smelling it you should be fine in a day. but if you dont live with your parents then you shouldnt really worry about it my car smells all the time :smoke:
  3. Leave early, drive to a spot. Smoke bubbler in car, then on your way to the movies, just lower your windows and turn the air on pretty good and you'll be straight.
  4. Have a sober time with your friend if he's so against pot.

    Your probably not going to listen to that so...

    You should tell your friend you'll meet him in there because you have to (fill in the blank here) and then smoke the bub in your car. No it wont smell that bad.

    Or better yet, smoke on the way to your friends house with windows down.
  5. Tell your friend to mind his business and smoke a J in the parking lot of the movie theater.

    If he's really your friend, then he will realize that you've been smoking all along during the friendship and, without knowing it, he's been friends with a stoner for years. He should also realize that your smoking had no ill-effect on your friendship in the past so it shouldn't now just because he's aware of your smoking.

    Know what I'm sayin'? :cool:
  6. I like what your sayin, and I agree.

    Ill tell him someday, after were a bit older.

    Maybe at his wedding, I'll tell him during my best man speech!
  7. Don't drive stoned. Don't get any more high if you're going to drive, dude. Think for a minute.
  8. Yeah talking about blazing is gonna be so appropriate at a wedding in front of his family. GREAT IDEA:hello::hello::hello:

    jk but srsly your friend needs to accept that its not bad for you. thats just lame he shouldnt stop you from doing what you want
  9. If you're used to being high it's not really a problem at all
    I drive a forklift at work andI go in high every day and get high at lunch ocasionally and I'm much more cautious and aware when I'm high.
    i love how theres signs saying dont drive under the influence. Anyways bro ur comment reminded me of a funny gorey video of saftey..ther was one of a forklift tipping on the side and the guys legs got crushed:hello::hello::hello: :smoke::smoke: cya!
  11. Well the movie in my opinion wasn't very good. I think it would be hell while your high! It drags on so long! :(
  12. [ame=]YouTube - Detroit Auto Workers Busted on the Job Drinking Beer & Smoking Pot on Break.flv[/ame]

  13. Oh man, is it a movie? I'm baked and just assumed he wanted to go see like, the financial Wall street.. Shit, kinda' makes sense now.. wonder why he would go see Wall street baked.
  14. You have to watch some pretty hilarious videos before getting the license! lawl
    Highway to the Danger Zone!!

  15. Yea, the movie was terrible IMO. I saw The Social Networked baked out of my mind and that was pretty cool. I didn't see it high, but Legend of the Guardians in 3D would be ever more fucking awesome stoned haha.

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