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What should i do for bud?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TheCoolest420, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. I want to smoke before this movie tonight. But it starts at 9 and i'm going with this new chick. I gotta meet her at the movie. But my dealer told me hes not gonna pick up till 9... I texted him back said that if he gets it by like 8 to hit me. If not then i couldn't do it.

    I really wanna smoke before this movie though.

    So basically i got this kid i knew from high school. He lives right by the moneytree where i cash my check. I texted him. He doesn't deal but he smokes so i hope he knows someone.

    Then i can hope my main guys comes through.

    I know another dealer but last time i was supposed to pick up a Q from him i flaked. Got a Q from someone else faster. I've never met with him before. So he might not want to meet with me because i flaked on him.

    Then i know this other kid with his mmj card. But he doesn't have a cell phone. And he usually isn't home during the day. If you don't catch him by like 9 hes gone cuz all he does is hangout all day. Should i still call his grandmas house?

    My last resort is just hanging around by the money tree and hoping someone out there is selling kush. I've ran into a few guys before who sold there.

    What should i do?
  2. Tell the chick "hey if we go to a later show I will have weed" and she will be like "oh ok, cool."
  3. She doesn't smoke. She doesn't care if i smoke. But if i tell her we have to go to a later show cuz i wanna buy bud she will get mad.
  4. Come on man this is something you need to figure out yourself.

    No on here knows you or these people or your situation.
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  5. I was gonna say work the corner but I read your post so I'm going to go with go without it
  6. Yea idk was hoping for a miracle.

    I think i'm gonna hit up the guy that i flaked on. Should i apologize for flaking? Or just act like it never happened? Hes usually pretty rude so idk if he really cares all that much.
  7. Why can't you pick up after the movie?

  8. This has red flag all over it. :cool:
  9. If your that desperate throw a tip at your dealer, give him like 3-4 bucks if you wanna smoke that badly.


    Make up an excuse to go to a later show. Say "Hey, I can't make it to that show, do you think we could go to the one at 10:30? or whenever the next one is
  10. That's why you always gotta keep the emergency stash
  11. Dude....there's gonna be thousands of movies you'll be able to see high, if you can't get it before the movie then fuck it. Worry about having fun and bonding with this new chick, get that shit going and have fun you don't need the green.

  12. Agreed. I was gonna say grow it from the title lol. Just wait until after then get high when you get back from the movie. But until then hope your dealer does call you before then, if not its no big deal.
  13. I would put real life as a priority compared to picking up some weed. You can pick up weed another day, go to the movie with the girl. Don't put weed in front of living life, cmon dude.
  14. you definetly need to invest in an emergency stash, and don't get tempted and smoke it all
  15. Go to the movies with the girl, then pound her holes relentlessly afterwards.
  16. [quote name='"Boring Nick"']I would put real life as a priority compared to picking up some weed. You can pick up weed another day, go to the movie with the girl. Don't put weed in front of living life, cmon dude.[/quote]

    Thaaannnkkk you. I can't stand people who can't stand a couple hours without getting high, I mean Jesus Christ go have fun with your girl and be sober for a little while. Oh my god.
  17. [quote name='"tokesmoke69"']

    Thaaannnkkk you. I can't stand people who can't stand a couple hours without getting high, I mean Jesus Christ go have fun with your girl and be sober for a little while. Oh my god.[/quote]

    Lol why you mad?

    I like to smoke before movies so that I can pay attention. Sober I can't get into any movies.
  18. Just get it after the movie bro

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