what should i buy with aq visa gift card 69 dollars on it

Discussion in 'General' started by HipHopUDontStop, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. i cant buy anything online because i cant register the card to my address because i got it for patricipating in a marketing research study so its registered to them so i can only buy shit in a store

    so what would you guys buy?
  2. A bottle of Vodka.
  3. I just realized the best headshops dont accept credit cards... :bongin:
  4. Go to a gas station.... buy a pack of gum, get cash back and use it like that, :smoke:
  5. Buy something at walmart, return and say you lost your account and you'd like your refund in cash (they do it every time for me).

    Use 60 for a sack
    2 dollars for a drink
    and keep the 5 for somethin later lol

  6. You don't get change from credit card purchases.....
  7. $69? Must be a sign..to buy some high quality porn:D
  8. Probably get a box of blunts and just eat wherever your favorite place is, thats what I'd do :smoking:
  9. Bazooka joe gum, LOTS of it.
  10. If you were in the Philippines I would say a girl for a month.
  11. Its a visa, it can be ran as credit/debit. I had a visa 100 $ gift card for my graduation, I got cash back perfectly fine......
  12. how do you do that what store did you go to i tried this at some gas station and the indian dude said he couldent do anything to get cash from it
  13. You should buy the ingredients for an epic gingerbread house or some sort of high end gingerbread house kit man! I only tried to build them a few times when I was younger but they were cheap and never worked. Maybe for 70 bucks you could buy a fucking sweet gingerbread house/kit, decked out in different colored icing, candy cane all up on the house, just a real baller gingerbread crib.



  14. so you use a visa gift card buy something take it back and say you want your money back in cash and that works???

  15. I just tried it at a random gas station, he ran it as debit, I pushed '10' bucks cash back..

    go to like walmart or something and do that.
  16. correction it has 70 on it but i tried the thing with walmart and they just offered a store credit card ill try the cashback at the gas statation but it dosent have a pin so idk if it'll work is there no way to get cash its a visa reward and i think its a gift card
  17. [quote name='"ghostonvacation"']You should buy the ingredients for an epic gingerbread house or some sort of high end gingerbread house kit man! I only tried to build them a few times when I was younger but they were cheap and never worked. Maybe for 70 bucks you could buy a fucking sweet gingerbread house/kit, decked out in different colored icing, candy cane all up on the house, just a real baller gingerbread crib.


    This is the shit

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