What should I buy with 4.43$?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Uber_Apples, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. So after buying a grinder online through paypal I have 4.43 usd left in the account with nothing to do with it. What do you think I should get? :wave:
  2. more money?
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  4. /thread
    but try like ebay for random stuff im sure 4$ could buy something
  5. candy
    more money
    send it to me
  6. I some how bought 3 hats off Amazon for $.03. so you could get like 443 hats. But unless you spend $25 you gotta come up with shipping.

    And apparently Amazon wasn't suppose to sell the hats at $.01. LOL got an email saying amazon fucked up but wanted to know how i liked the hats. I bought them simply to get me up to $25 for free shipping.
  7. donate
  8. A 6 pack of Keystone Ice 16oz cans. At least then you could get drunk. :)
  9. Get beeline!
  10. fourty ounce or some cigars to roll up some bleezies
  11. 4 McChickens =]
  12. A blow kob from a prostitutes
  13. you could donate it toward my toro fund, i'll let you hit it....:smoke:
  14. I am pretty sure they dont take paypal..
  15. I dunno where you get your $1 McChickens but i want in on that! :smoke:

    Couldn't even get ONE McChicken with $4 here....
  16. Maybe he means "Chicken McNuggets"?

    Around here, that would get you 4 McDoubles. :bongin:
  17. Maybe, but here all we could get is 4 soft serves.

    Man, i could go for one now...:smoke:
  18. No...McDonalds have mcchickens on the dollar menu.

    they are aight....
  19. Shiiiiit, thats a sweet deal.

    Only in America!
  20. yeah, here they have the $1 mcchicken/mcdoubles and $.49 ice cream cones. shit's ridiculous.

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