What makes humans unique? I think it's the fact that we question why. We question why thongs happen, and we worship ourselves. I use worship loosely, because it's the best word I have to define this concept. What I'm trying to say is we do our best to cultivate what is uniquely human. Art, math, biology -they're all just ways to 'worship' the unique part of humanity, and that's what makes us human. And please, don't get caught up on the word worship; I just use it because I lack a better word, instead focus on the idea I am trying to get across. If this makes no sense, please let me know, cause you know... but if I was coherent, other ideas? Critiques? Any expansion on this idea? Edit: CRAP, forgot to change the title. I was gonna write about something else... Please ignore that. The first question should be the title.
I don't think you can really get around not being called a machine, because thats just how you are built, as a molecular machine. You can classify a machine that is a primate with the ability to think and have all the abilities as we have as human. But really that's just what we classify what kind of machine we are. ^^^I also agree with King I am pretty damn happy I'm an advanced enough machine to be able to see all the thongs I have seen happen.
I can see what your saying by 'worship', you basically mean egoism, as all the sciences, music and art arise from reflecting the ego on the self. So I guess that's what it is, we are capable of having that 'self awareness' the knowledge we are what we are not. If a machine knew that it was not a machine than it would be intelligent.
Our minds are what makes us different. So much more advanced than any other species. The ability to learn something years earlier and still know how to do it. We just have extra capablities that other species don't have. And comparing us to machines.. not much of a comparison in my opinion. Machines are created with specific functions, by us. Without us, there are no machines.
Machines and humans are not separate. We created the machines from our consciousness which is to say that the machine is our consciousness in a physical expression. Also, the outside world exists all within us. Reality is what we precieve it to be via the senses. This perception comes from within us...so really the outside world is an illusion that is accepted as real because the senses within us know it as that, but really it is all just an expression of consciousness into physical form.
I think it's the fact that we can think. Animals don't think, they just act. I'll give you a scientific reason for this. An animal's brain can only be activated by external stimuli. Meaning, their neurons (brain cells) release neurotransmitters (little chemicals that help relay messages throughout the body/brain) when stimulated by one or more of their 5 senses. So they see something and their brain becomes activated, or they feel something and their brain becomes activated. Human brains on the other hand can be activated by two ways. Internal stimuli and external stimuli. Internal means our thoughts. Just by thinking about the effects that a certain rave drug gives me, I get a small rush (my brain activates) and an overwhelming feeling. My brain is releasing neurotransmitters and making me feel that, just by a thought. Our thoughts are what separate us from animals. Now machines. Machines are wired and run by electricity. Humans are wired and run by electrical impulses AND chemicals. This is called electro-chemical method.
Machines are human's creation. Humans aren't human's creation. That's the difference. It's a large difference.
Animals think. Just because they are animals does not mean they do not think. Some just have brains more advanced than others, making them better suited to think. Thinking can only be able through external stimuli, and I will tell you why this is. Everything you think about comes from something you have experienced with a sense. Just because you are able to process that information in your brain does not mean that it came from inside your brain. All information you have had to have come from some form of external stimuli at some point in your life.
I didn't say that because they are animals they don't think. I said because their brains can't be stimulated by internal thoughts means they don't think. If they do "think" it's A LOT different than us humans. Yes, but it's no longer generated by external stimuli. Instead, it's generated by an internal thought of an external stimuli. Have you studied the human brain vs an animal brain?
Speaking for all animals is a big generalization. Primates think a lot like us actually. A recent study showed that they mourn a death of a loved one just like us. Dolphins are super intelligent also, their environment limits them though...they are very interesting beings, you should look into them.
Chimps Understand and Mourn Death, Research Suggests | LiveScience I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that all animals don't think.
I explained why. I should have been more clear in my response though. They think, but it's a different mechanism than us humans use. I believe that is the spirit that separates us.
Humans can create. Humans can reproduce and create more humans. Machines cannot create or reproduce. You may be able to argue that machines reproduce thinking that robots on assembly lines produce more machines but they cannot do this without humans assisting the machines in some fashion. Just my opinion.