What seeds should I choose?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by maf444, Sep 4, 2010.

  1. I am looking for a marijuana species different than what most people are probably looking for. I think most people are looking for strong long lasting marijuana, but I am looking for something on the other end of the spectrum. When I was younger I used to smoke all the time, but after a few years I started having bad reactions to it. At first I would throw up and then I started to have extreme paranoia. When I started smoking all there was was "shwag" and then came "Kind Bud" and all the other awesome looking,smelling and tasting buds. Unfortunately I think this stuff is to strong for me, So does anyone know of a species preferably an outdoor species that I can plant for next season that will give me a "upbeat high" with a lower chance of getting the extreme paranoia? I want to get high again!!:smoking: Thanks
  2. go to attitude.com you want a strain with a high CDB that should work for you.TRY subcools med strains .

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