What school really taught me.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by go_green, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. I just toked up a little and i have been reminiscing of my school years, so i feel like sharing them.

    anyways, yea. So my school had really weird ideals/rules that had ways of back firing on them and I was the kid that used them to reak havoc. The first one that pissed me off was about food. there is a hallway out side the cafe that you go to after you eat waiting to go back to class and during my junior year, they made a rule where no one was allowed to have food in the hallways. So after watching everyone get in trouble for eating in it, I decided to make the admins life hell for it. Since the door to the office was across this hallway, they had to bring their lunch across the hallway. so i basically stood at the doors waiting for the admins/teachers I hated to walk out with food and i told them to go back in the cafe and eat. and when they didn't, i took their food and threw it away as that is what they do to kids. ended up with a total of 16 detentions from doing that.

    the next one was this thing called TRIBES. its was like how to be nice to one another that no one followed. but one of the things is that you have the right to pass if you want and you can't be hurt for it. Well i used that a little too much. any time a teacher called on me, i passed. and when they said it was mandatory, i just told them that i had the right to pass. i think it actually took more effort to argue with the teachers about it than it would have to just do what they wanted.

    and one that i am very proud of was back in middle school. I had brought in a laser pointer. and when the teacher person saw it, they took it and sent me to the office. when i was down there, i was in the vice principals office while she was looking for the rule on them, and what would you know. NO RULE ON IT. so she made up a rule, gave me three day suspension. well after my mom and i got through with her, we got it down to a detention. and we reported it to her superior and it turned out her pay was docked 2k. (Everyone was happy with this as she was a bitch to everyone.) the day after, she had everyone get a newsletter thing about hwo it is illegal to have a lazer pointer in school. and she spelled it with a z instead of an s so I decided to fuck with her. i came in the next day with another one. but on it, it said "Laser pointer" i got called down and she tried to give me the punishment for a lazer pointer in school. actually got away with a lunch detention and an hour of getting yelled at and some laughter from the other admins of the school.

    so in conclusion, if school has taught me anything, its that everything has a lupol and backfire/bitch. and when you find them, use them. need to say, i don't think any school admin ever liked me.
  2. Lol... good story dude =] Way to go w. the lazer, I mean laSer, pointer hahaaa
  3. Well, weren't you the little rebel..

    I've had my fair share of detentions and suspensions, more suspensions.. :D
  4. Not funny but all i learned in my years of public education, was it was not about what i learned, but it was about the grades i recieve...
  5. yea, i did another thing just for laughs but it followed the same idea. they had a poster in the library that said "Censorship is evil. READ." (kinda ironic for a school, don't you think?) anyways, i went up to the counter and asked if they had any books on why the KKK is good. (again, just a joke) They said no. I asked if they could get it in for me, they said no. "its too racist. we aren't allowed to have those things in school". So I went over to the poster and tore it down. rolled it up and stuffed it in my pants on my right side between my boxers and jeans. they asked for it back and I told them they don't get it until they get the book.

    They never got it back. but I did bring them the remaining parts from it after i set it on fire. it was jsut the plastic frame, not the poster part.
  6. Sounds like you were a little rebel, haha.

    I didn't start thinking outside the box untill I was out of highschool, unfortunatley.
  7. you seem to remember everything pretty clearly. ;) :rolleyes:
  8. i remember everything i don't need to know. probably why my grades weren't really prime.
  9. :devious:
  10. hah,dude,your chill.
    i used to hang with the guys just like you back in the day.
    little fucking hellraisers man.
  11. I walked out of class because a teacher wouldn't let me go to the bathroom to get a drink of water my senior year of HS. She was a first year teacher and was a true bitch for being a bitch for bitches sake.

    I also would walk in and put my head down on the desk and just sleep the whole class away my senior year because it was such a waste of time. I got an A+ on all the tests but a U for unsatisfactory behavior. FUCK YOU BITCH!
  12. Wow you're so bad!!!!
  13. i wanted to do shit like that but never did because my dad beat me till 3rd grade if i did ANYTHING wrong in school
  14. sorta the same in my freshman year. I had a UTI and the sub in my econ class told me i couldn't go to the bathroom until everyone finished so I just got up and left and when i came back, he sent me to the office. yea, i got to finish the test the next day, and he no longer works as a sub in the school.
  15. yeah amen, sounds like me and my friends
  16. school has taught me only one thing and that is "to never give up no matter what".........TO NEVER GIVE UP SMOKING WEED that is. lol :smoke:
  17. What I learned in high school:

    1) The band teachers have the best weed.
    2) If step 1 fails, try the shop teachers instead.
    3) In order to have any sort of school administration job, it is required that you be completely incompetent at everything.
  18. 1. maybe the guitar teacher, he acts like it, but he ain't really cool like that. he caught kids smoking out back during his class, didn't report them, but kept a careful eye on them so hes a no.

    2. the shop teacher was my old tennis coach, that guy wouldn't smoke if his life depended on it. he was so fucking anti drug.

    3. Except being a bitch. that was all they could do, was be a bitch. i swear. even the teachers said that. they all strived for tenure. every time a teacher got tenure, every other teacher celebrated that because that was your only defense against the admins.
  19. This also holds true in most companies you will work for throughout your adult life.
  20. Ya know what school taught me?


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