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What scale should i get?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CanadianToken, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. I don't want to spend to much on a scale, but i wan't it to be very reliable. The ones i'm looking at are:
    [ame=] American Weigh Black Blade Digital Pocket Scale, 1000 by 0.1 G: Kitchen & Dining[/ame]

    [ame=] American Weigh Signature Series Black Digital Pocket Scale, 1000 by 0.1 grams: Home & Garden[/ame]

    [ame=] American Weigh Signature Series Black AWS-100 Digital Pocket Scale, 100 by 0.01 G: Home & Garden[/ame]

    If you have any others you'd like suggest, that's cool too. Nothing over 20$ though.
  2. the middle link
  3. 0.01 is pretty nice to have :)
  4. The third. Scales that don't weigh to hundredths are about as useful as a poopie flavored lollipop tbh.
  5. So one for the middle, and one for the last aiight. But yeah i need them to be pretty accurate or im gonna be losing some cash gradually. And do i need to buy the calibration weight? Or can i just use nickels ?
  6. You want that .01 good to have the extra digit. Also if you have a US nickle i know it works for most made after 2005? whatever year they started making them weird lol.

  7. you can go to any headshop and get a reliable pocket scale for 20 dollars and under
  8. If you really want to calibrate a scale correctly, buy the calibrating weights. I would never calibrate a scale using a nickle.
  9. Why? Thats how much they are supposed to weigh lol.:smoke:
  10. obviously the last one wtf?
  11. #11 CanadianToken, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    Alright so now i'm getting mixed signals, should i calibrate it with the weight ( if so, do i need to get both recommended on that page, the 50g and 100g, or only one) or 20 nickels ?
  12. i dono dude u shouldent need those things to calibrate it
  13. A nickel can weigh from between 4.8g and 5.1g.

  14. So does that mean i have to buy the calibration weight too?
  15. No your scale will come calibrated and may even come with a weight, depends on what scale you are getting.

  16. thinking about this one [ame=] American Weigh Signature Series Black AWS-100 Digital Pocket Scale, 100 by 0.01 G: Kitchen & Dining[/ame]
  17. looks good for weighing out personal bags as it only goes up to a hundred grams, if you were planning on weighing larger amounts you would need something a little better cause that wouldn't even be able to register a QP. But if that isn't an issue you should go for it, especially since it weighs to the hundredth. I have a touchscreen digi that weighs to the hundredth up to a half pound. Love the thing.
  18. #19 CanadianToken, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    I read through most of the reviews, and i'm going to need a calibrated weight to insure it's accurate. I'm going to get the 100g one, do i need the 50g also or no ?
  19. Only if it becomes uncalibrated, or you want to make sure that it's calibrated 100%. But for recreational use you will be fine.

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