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what really is the highest way to smoke mj?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by dankydankk, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. I've always wondered, is it better to smoke all your weed as fast as possible, or a hit every few minutes, and is their a ceiling where u just extend your high if taking the same sized hit every few minutes?

    I feel that the bigger the hit the better, but after 20-30min an extra hitting wont get me any higher unless if its a bigger hit, or atleast forsure not a major increase in effects like sober to high,
  2. I'd say biggest hit you can take, I think what most people would describe as next level high is only achieved from going sober to high really fast. Taking a hit every few minutes for awhile allows you to acclimate to the high as it builds instead of, BAM "oh fuck im gone..."
  3. I just keep toking until I'm as high as I want to be. I use a Vapor Genie, and I like edibles too.
  4. on the summit of Mt. Everest
  5. Use a bong, or roll a fatty. Take the biggest hit you can, hold it in for as long as you can until you forcefully need to cough. It might suck when you're coughing depending how hard you're coughing, but the high is worth it. Sometimes, you can take HUGE hits and not really need to cough. You'll never know til you try!:smoke:
  6. Well I usually take a nice size hit out the bong at once, I notice that if I take another one that is smaller that the original hit, and over 30min has passed, it doesn't make the high stronger, just longer
  7. Gravity bong
  8. Just smoke consistently throughout the day, increasing dosage each time.
    At the end of the day take a huge bong toke

  9. this.
  10. In my own experience, I think if you build up a ton of smoke in your mouth and inhale deep and fast shotgun the smoke in your lungs and hold for 3-5 seconds, you will get so fucked!!, i recommend a pipe cause of the carb thing denses the smoke up.
  11. The highest way to smoke is to go on a sky scrapper and light a bowl up there.
  12. Pack your bong with some dope and take the biggest hit you can, straight to the lungs :)) lol nd make sure you hold it in.
  13. I dono blades im hearing alotta bong talk, im gonna bust in the vaporizer.

    If i sit down and hit my MFLB for a couple trenches or hit a desktop, i get so high lol
    It really depends on what you consider to be "really" high.

    Vapes = more THC

    Bongs = solid amount of THC but also combustion brings out many other cannabinoids such as CBD, CBN and many others that all contribute to the high
  14. Vape becasue it gives you like 95% of the THC

  15. other cannabinoids vaporize at lower or comparable temperatures to THC. Combustion does not release "more other cannabinoids".
  16. #16 SCMC, Aug 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2012
    Well, I guess I will pitch in the unpopular opinion.

    It depends on the weed, and it's chemical composition, more than how you take your hits. I find that Cannabis high in CBD/CBN has a limit to how "stoned" you'll feel. Eventually you just feel tired. Strains like GDP, Blue Dream, and Afghani's have a ceiling to them where it really doesn't matter how much you smoke, you just don't get back to where you were with the first hit. Plants that contain higher quantities of a compound called THC-v tend to have a much higher ceiling in my experience. Strains like Jack Herrer (and the hybrids like Jack the Ripper), African Sativa's and Chinese Indica's. These tend to have more THC-v and regardless of how I smoke them the more cerebral/trippy/psychadelic feelings of smoking are much more prevalent and the ceiling is nearly non-existent.

    I think of it this way: my lungs have a specific rate of absorption. If I take a giant hit then only the THC in contact with the lung cells can be brought into the body. With my lungs fully expanded there is a greater surface area of lung cells which can do the absorbing but there is also a greater volume of smoke swirling around the center of the expanded lungs. The Cannabinoid compounds which are absorbed through contact then rush through my blood stream and attach to limited number of cannabinoid receptors found on organs throughout the body. This releases a secondary stream of compounds which brings forward the pleasurable feeling of "high." There is a lot of chemistry going on with the whole combustion and ingestion of these compounds and small changes to the makeup of these molecules can have a pretty major impact on how your body responds to them. That is why it is important to consider the "quality" of the cannabinoids rather than just the quantity of them.

    Conceptually for me this means taking several "1/2" hits and then breathing in air as the best method to achieve a greater efficiency for every bowl. Exhale half way, breathe in more air to fully expand, and then completely exhale. This process "stirs" the smoke in your lungs which exposes more of the compounds your are looking for to the lung cell wall. This does not starve the body of oxygen and there is not more (wasted) THC in the smoke than your body can manage to take in.

    Several smaller tokes combined with fresh air and a 1/2 exhale, then inhale, then full exhale with a Cannabis that has a higher concentration of THC-v. I also prefer to take "snapper" bowls (one hit and it's toast) rather than packing a huge bowl and hitting it several times. Consuming cannabis via an edible, preferably a good chocolatey one, is another way that I have overcome the ceiling from some strains. By eating the stuff right before smoking I get the initial high from the buds, and a creeper high from the edible which takes things to another level like an hour later and lasts a long fucking time.

    Give me some Durban Poison, a nice clean bong, and a brownie and my ceiling doesn't stop until I'm in heaven. And if you want a reason to NEVER hold in a hit longer than a few seconds I would suggest exhaling a nice creamy bong load through a folded paper towel (Viva works best). You'll probably never ghost a hit again.

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