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What portable vaporizer to choose?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Thatk1d, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. This is my first post as I am a new member. I am searching for portable vaporizer that fits my needs. Battery life and size is very important to me as I am still in high school and living with my parents. Also I can't afford a 250 dollar vaporizer like the pax which I heard is the best, I would like to pay under 100. I know that most portable are not under a 100 but if I buy it from eBay I can find it a lot cheaper. For example the AtmosRaw retails for around 190 but i can find them on ebay for 90. I have been looking at the pulsar 7 because it fit my needs and is reasonably priced but I have yet to find any reviews about it. Also I was looking at the AtmosRaw which seem like a great portable vaporizer but it needs a screen to be add to prevent combustion. It would be great to get some of your opinions and experience.
  2. Im looking to buy the Airizer solo. I was thinking about the mflb, which retails under 100, but some people love it, some hate it, and I didnt want to hate it after I payed for it. But the solo is about 150-160 on amazon, Idk if that helps
  3. I looked at the MFLB too and I wasn't crazy about it. The fact that you have to hold the battery in and the batteries don't last very long. I recently to started to look at the puffit has anyone had one or used one.

  4. My buddy has the mflb and its actually pretty nice I would recommend it. I could see how its design would annoy some people though. It still works pretty good and is one of the cheapest "nice" portable vapes
  5. I use the Vapor Genie and it's amazing! No batteries, and it looks like a pipe, but it works like a vaporizer. It's only $60, and very well worth it

  6. I almost bought that but read a ton of bad reviews on that saying its really hard to get lit and whatnot. Is it worth getting? Like whats the worst parts of it?
  7. I have the iolite and to me its the best portable vape. It runs on butane and can make for some nice seshes.
  8. Get the NO2 by Vapir. My friend has it and lives with his parents and he vapes in his room all the time without getting caught. It works way better than the MFLB.
  9. [quote name='"Thatk1d"']I looked at the MFLB too and I wasn't crazy about it. The fact that you have to hold the battery in and the batteries don't last very long. I recently to started to look at the puffit has anyone had one or used one.[/quote]

    I was looking at the puffit too.
    No batteries and somewhat small.
  10. [quote name='"Permafade"']Get the NO2 by Vapir. My friend has it and lives with his parents and he vapes in his room all the time without getting caught. It works way better than the MFLB.[/quote]

    Anything made by Vapir is pretty shitty. I have the mflb and the no2 and the mflb blows it out of the water.
  11. I have both the Iolite and mflb. Iolite feels l Ike it gets me higher faster is better in small groups. Mflb for keeping me in a good mood all day and is stealthier then the Iolite in both size and sound.

    I have had good experiences with both companies with replacing defective vaporizers under warrenty.
  12. It's pretty easy to use. You just have to make sure you don't put the entire flame in the bowl because that will ruin the filter. You just put the tip of the flame in, and inhale slowly for 6-10 seconds. It has a nice smooth hit and isn't harsh on the lungs like smoking.

    One of my friends was using mids in my Vapor Genie and he said it tastes like dro. It produces a very good, clean, head-high. I get stoned with this all the time, so I highly recommend it. It's also great that I can use the vaped bud to make edibles :)
  13. [quote name='"StonedApe"']

    It's pretty easy to use. You just have to make sure you don't put the entire flame in the bowl because that will ruin the filter. You just put the tip of the flame in, and inhale slowly for 6-10 seconds. It has a nice smooth hit and isn't harsh on the lungs like smoking.

    One of my friends was using mids in my Vapor Genie and he said it tastes like dro. It produces a very good, clean, head-high. I get stoned with this all the time, so I highly recommend it. It's also great that I can use the vaped bud to make edibles :)[/quote]

    A butane vaporizer is silly. You could get an mflb for $8 more and it would look a lot less sketchier.
  14. you can read some reviews from who ever bought on Amazon.
  15. you can read the reviews from the people who ever used it on Amazon

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