What plastic (if any plastic) can I use.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Shifte83, Feb 10, 2024.

  1. Hi,so have some possible prying eyes and helicopters fly by a lot. My plant is about 7ft tall atm.

    I want to build an outdoor green house in a small triangle shape near my shed. I have had a quick look but will plastic used for green houses be the same as directsunlight?
    Dumb question
  2. Yeah it'll work fine. The 6 mil plastic sheeting is good and strong. It'll hold up to the weather quite well. They make it for greenhouses and vapor barriers for home construction. The greenhouse stuff will be a bit clearer like a regular window and the vapor barrier stuff will be a bit opaque like a bathroom window. Both will work well.
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  3. Awesome. Thank you mate, I'll go grab some tomorrow.
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  4. I did a greenhouse grow a few years ago. Used the white plastic. Ya won't have to worry about prying eyes or choppers. No loss in light intensity. Plant grow like mad. IMG_20200517_182331303_HDR.jpg IMG_20200517_182409865_HDR.jpg
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  5. That's amazing. Thanks mate. I'll get on to this tomorrow, thought it would just be easier to ask here than search for endless hours on Google.
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  6. Hopefully where you live isn't too windy.
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  7. That was my biggest fear with the greenhouse. It was in Alabama. Where over 200 tornadoes touch down and reek havoc every year. I got lucky.
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  8. Have random days that get super windy. But I'm going to make it as solid as possible. And hope for the best.
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  9. #9 puffnstuff1960, Feb 11, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2024
    I use this in the fall to keep the dew and fall rains and frost off my plants.
    Reinforced Poly Sheeting - 6 Mil, 10' x 100' S-17864 - Uline

    It comes in different sizes, I used to order from Masonpro, mine is 34x100 I think it cost like 200 bucks but a roll lasts me 5 years, I cut it in 20' lengths, it would last longer but I take it down in the winter months due to the snow load.
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