What pisses you off when your high?

Discussion in 'General' started by Betamax Bandit, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. "BOOOOOOM HEADSHOT" headshots?
  2. Right? I hate people touching me (excluding girls)
  3. Seeing police when I have some of my stash on me.
  4. another. if you're with people like in a public, semi-public place and they're being WAYYYY too loud and you really need to gtfo of there and they dont give a shit. My and my friends always go to this HUGE roof in greenwich village. we wud sit in this little alcove on the roof, like 4-6 of us, and blaze a few J's or L's. so theres this dude on the roof and he keeps looking at us with this pissed looking face on. So all of my friends except for the one next to me are SCREAMING at each other, and its hurting my fucking head. now, the dude on the roof looked like a stank ass mofo who wud snitch on us in a quick minute. so he leaves, and then we hear sirens. even tho the sirens prolly werent for us, me nd my friend started telling everyone that we had to go quickly. so after a bit we all left.

    turns out this kid we know who lives in the building we were on went to the roof a little bit after us and there were security guards there. :rolleyes:

    oh well

  5. I hate that shit too. Some of my friends, when they get high, get very very loquacious. You can't shut them up, and they can go on monologue rants for over 5 minutes long. I always want to remind them to pass the piece or bong along, but then I feel like I will look like some weed addicted jerk. =\
  6. people in which whom your smoking decide to talk after their hit and then take another toke before passing the bowl!
  7. when i run out of weed
  8. females bitching completly ruins my high. honestly i flip out everytime my girl bitches when im high
  9. Loud and obnoxious bitches, when someone passes out 5 mins after smoking (it's a letdown but it can lead to fun), when someone throws up, cops, strict parents, and "that guy" that's playing music but can't let a song play more than 30 seconds.
  10. people who smoke and run they dont sit and enjoy the high.
  11. same here brother
  12. People who get hyperactive and retarded when they're high, to point where it seems more like they've been drinking than smoking.

    This one mostly pertains to when smoking in public... I hate when someone present isn't comfortable with where we are and no one cares, lol. I know the feeling of being sketched out about my location (whether it's with a good reason or not), it's uncomfortable and kills your high, it's not that hard to just go somewhere else if someone's not feeling it.

    When I lose a thought in the middle of saying it, or when I'm trying to explain myself and it's not coming out right AT ALL because I'm retardedly high.

    Shitty music. Usually I can tune it out and focus on something different, but not when I'm high.

    Shitty acting on TV. Everything seems SO obviously fake to me when I'm high and I end up being like "God this is stupid" and turning it off.
  13. your kind of a dick man, I like to listen to people stories, if they hold the piece or if they are holding up the movement I will just tell them to pass it on.

    I will guarantee you have told a story while you were high before, maybe the people you smoke up with don't give a shit about your stories. I hope so anyways.
  14. It takes a lot to annoy me while I'm high, some of you seem very easily irritated when you're high.
  15. I hate when people take a hit, a managable hit, and just literally breathe it out quicker or as fast as they took it in, no holding it just a straight exhale.
  16. when i meet retarded straight edge kids and they think smoking weed is the same as taking 25 hits of acid
    then they try to do one of the following:freak me out, follow me, try to make me luagh with corny jokes, ask me if im hallucinating, saying stuff like "dude did you see that fat pink guy with wings flying over there", just really annoying and i got to tell them to shut the fuck up and tell them i smoked weed im not fucking tripping on something you dumbasses

    rarely ever see this but i have a couple times

  17. OMG!!! THIS RIGHT HERE!!!! FUCKING HATE THIS DUDE THAT DOES ALL OF THAT TO A "T" AND HIS YOUNGER THEM ME.Fuck those foos.:laughing::laughing::yay::yay::smoking::smoking:
    • people who cant hold their shit together piss me off. once i was flirting with this really hot girl and my friend comes running up to me screaming "dude!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK AT MY ARMS (as he swings them around wildly) THEY ARE FUCKING CRAZY!!!!". the girl gives me the whole you got some fucked up friends look and walks away.
    • bad acting
    • people acting like they are high but really are not
    • when people bring up bad shit
    • fish lipping the joint
  18. QFT!!!!

    People faking piss me off SO MUCH and I know this one kid that makes the STUPIDEST face when he's smoking and wet's the shit out of the thing.
  19. when people don't have the etiquette to fucking corner a bowl, and end up torching all the green.

    or when I happen to be with an incoherent individual and they just do stupid shit.

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