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What pisses me off about Drug Testing information

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ShaneScream, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Have you ever noticed how uneducated many people are about the detection times of THC in urine? Many references you find will have different information on the subject and the truth of the matter is that NOBODY can tell you, as it is different from person to person. However I will share with you what gets me heated the most. I don't know if any of you feel the same way, but people who insist they are right with info in which you know is false is pretty annoying. This is the one I see/hear alot and gets me annoyed.

    "30 days or more no matter what, there is nothing you can do to get it out quicker or beat a drug test, it's impossible to do so. I would know because I'm a doctor."

    BULLSHIT! I've had too many personal LAB drug screens to believe your dumb ass. I believe that YOU think you're right though. And if I see this on the internet, I HIGHLY doubt you are a doctor. Second, Even if you ARE a doctor, does that make you an expert on drug sceens? Did you make the fucking test or have any reasonable proof? No, I have never seen any PROOF of detection times and/or That you can't beat a drug test. If drug tests were so perfect and precise, how do false positives and negatives come about? I have passed lab tests in 4 days, I've had people shake their head and say no you didn't that's impossible. MOTHERFUCKER, are you me!? It probably wasn't all the way out of my system but it was not detected. Of course I used dilution and loaded up on creatine. AND, why would I believe a doctor? they wouldn't know these facts, the only person that could possibly influence my opinion on detection times would be a scientist (who has proof of being so) that has conducted several studies on THC and the complex human body, factoring weight, height, age, metabolism, etc. into his studies.

    Sorry for the rambling on lol
    Thanks For Reading :wave:
  2. :smoke::wave:

    Attached Files:

  3. preach it
  4. It's a market built to segregate and embarass marijuana users, THEN filter out coke and opium users..
  5. I believe that the crap about 30 days or more was just created to help the "pass a drug test, take/use this product". I smoked about 2 g's then 4 days later took the test. Now I didn't even drink that much water and I'm not a lightweight... 6'4 238

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