what phrase do you wish you could "bring back"

Discussion in 'General' started by AlbinoChick, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. My friend said "right on!" the other day and I was like wtf no one says that anymore, and then it got me to thinking about old slang and phrases that would be fun to try to bring back. What phrases would you try to bring back? I personally like "far out" or "syke!"
  2. I say rad is that "in" also I want to bring back "doobie"
  3. Rad is most certainly not "in" atleast not around here lol bring em back!
  4. Not that I wish they were back but just a simple memory since I saw this thread.

    Da bomb
    Calling people "dog"
    mad (as in mad good, mad money, mad bitches)
  5. I hear people say almost everything that was mentioned in here
  6. wikid,used to use it a lot an ppl would be like (the fuck? =\ )
    also PSYCHE! loool that was my fav word growing up
    idk how many times I used it after pulling the lamest pranks!
    only 90's kids know bout that life :p
  7. "Right on" and "rad" is something I hear almost everyday around here.
    I can't think of anything to bring back, I think we have enough phrases as is lol
  8. whats up bra
    what up kid
    how u doin?
    care for a smoke?
    hella ____
    whats up son?
  9. yo mamma!

    lot of these.. lets call em 'urban' phrases that I often hear people saying that aren't used anymore (not just in this thread) are still used rather often. I think just white kids that try to emulate a culture other than their own don't use em anymore
  10. haha listen to this, I deliver meds to old people. One lady I goto says right on all the time.

    Me: Have a good day.
    Her: Right on
    then I leave haha she's awesome an rich as fuq
  11. "Waaaaaazzzzzzzzuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup"
  12. How about "sir" and "maam"...I dont see any young people using that anymore. Damn shame
  13. ROFL

    Dafuq duz dat mean?
  14. slam jam thank you maam.
    catch fade
  15. jive turkey
  16. I remember my dad calling things "bad" like "heyyyy maaaaan that motorcycle was bad!"
  17. you stupid little faggot

    usually followed up by

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